Hi all,Just back from my HSG. Overall it was ok - in fact, I can quite happily report that the worst bit about it was the worrying and anticipation before hand. So, here's what happened:
Had to get undressed from waist down in a cubicle and put 2 gowns on (1 forwards and 1 backwards) and then went into the X ray room. Went through a few questions about lmp, last time I had sex, had to sign a disclaimer that I was not pregnant. Had the procedure explained to me twice, once by the radiologist and once by the doctor. Then had to lie on the table legs up and open - very much like a smear. But I was draped so I felt a lot less exposed than I do during a smear test. The procedure itself was very quick indeed. I won't lie - the catheter was painful, but not unbearable and as I said, over really quickly, about 2 mins max I would say. Both my tubes are clear - i asked to see the pics and had them dye pointed out to me - not that I could really see what I was looking at mind you! No pain after - just a little bit of light brown blood rather like the last day of my period. I felt fine afterwards - in fact dh and I had breakfast out on the way home from the hosiptal, and I have taken the whole day off just in case but could very happily go back to work now.
So - ok overall - the worry beforehand was much worse than the procedure.
Good luck ladlies - let me know how you get on.