Having a bad week.


Proud Mum of 4
Sep 22, 2006
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PAst seven days have been a nightmare.. Bad day last wedneday when I nearly slapped the boss at one of the stores I worked at he upset me so much.. I was so livid I had to have meeting with main boss and ask that when I get back from hols next week I transfer back to the main store where Iwas before. Fortunately she backed me up. Then manager at main store was asked to resign, then bloke who upset m was suspended on Tusday (unrelated matter). Unfortunately I have to work with him tommorrow. Have m/w appt 2morrow am b4 work . I know my blood pressure will be sky high as I have other work stresses too. Soooo need a week off. Sorry rant over.
:hugs: Try to count to 5 before you explode in your meeting! :wink: Dont forget to Breath and I hope that things get better for you sweetie! :hugs:
:hugs: Awwww hun....try to go in there with an 'I don't care attitude' it is only for the day and you will not have to put up with him anymore then............

Good Luck with your appounment too hun xx
Thanks for your support girls. I think 20 may be more apt and I still might bop him one if he doesn't watch his mouth. I spent 18 months working 3 days a week for him doing as much if not more to help him build his business up and then he turns round and says when the franchise is up in a few months and I get option of buying in he won't let me he wants to keep all the shares for himself. We were going to go into partnership next year and buy out another franchise together. I have now found somenoe else to buy with. If he thinks I'd go into business with him now he can stick it up his bottom! 1.......2.........3.........4..........5.......... BANG! soryy just exploded tee heee. Don't know what i'd do with out you girls.
You'll show him babe......good for you!!! :hugs: xx
Today semms to have gone ok. blood pressure was fine :D and midwife got good heartbeat straight away. Had to say goodbye to girls I currently work with which was alittle sad as they all said how much they'd miss me :cry: Mr I thunk I'm better than everyone is now bricking it that i'm going too pull out :rofl: Haven't told him I'm going oit without him I just enjoyed watching him sweat. He was all apologetic and reckoned he didn't say what he did, talk about, about face. He thinks a poxy apology will stop me backing out :evil: :evil: :evil: I can't wait to see his face when I don't go back to work for him and when he finds out he's been cut out. :D
mwah ha ha sweet revenge!!!! :twisted: glad ur feelin a bit better xx
Thanx yvanne. Know what they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but you ain't seen nothing until you try and cross afurious hormonal pregnant woman :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Revenge is best served cold....... :wink: Good for you babe!! :hugs xx
Mummy2twoplusbump said:
Thanx yvanne. Know what they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but you ain't seen nothing until you try and cross afurious hormonal pregnant woman :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

truth,whole truth and nothing but ;)
Awww poor you you have been through it lately with work,nightmare!!

Take it easy...bex.x
Hi girls, back from week off feeling loads better. JUst rung so called future business parter and told him wots wot and expected him to go off on one but all said was oh ok i'll speak to you later WTF.

Glad you are feeling better anyway babe! :hugs:
Thanks Tam :D Feeling much better now. Found out 2day he may have to go to head office for diciplnary hearing so he ain't got away with it yet. As result of him trying to save his skin tho' his best m8 has been forced to resign or be sacked. Everyone where I'm working now thinks he is a low life and doesn't blame me for refusing to work with him. I feel gr8. Baby now lively on a night , but do seem to be craving curry rather a lot at the mo :shock: Hope you are well and little alfie is behaving, take care of yourself.
Caroline XX
Mummy2twoplusbump said:
Thanks Tam :D Feeling much better now. Found out 2day he may have to go to head office for diciplnary hearing so he ain't got away with it yet. As result of him trying to save his skin tho' his best m8 has been forced to resign or be sacked. Everyone where I'm working now thinks he is a low life and doesn't blame me for refusing to work with him. I feel gr8. Baby now lively on a night , but do seem to be craving curry rather a lot at the mo :shock: Hope you are well and little alfie is behaving, take care of yourself.
Caroline XX

Ohhh all good babe!! :dance:

Awwwww isn't it great when you feel baby? I am feeling Alfie so much now, it is great!!! :D Paul is able to feel him too, which is lovely!!

Ohhh curry, I love curry Mmmmmmmmm I am not having any cravings! Which I spose is good...

Glad you are well hun, Take care babe! x
What goes around comes around. The bloke I feel out with had to close the practice today, and will be closed for some time I think. The floor was sinking last week and an engineer was due, however this afternoon the floor has completely collapsed and the building has now been condemned (sp) until further notice. I now I shouldn't cos it isn't nice but I laughed ,as did the manager a the store I now work. He deserves it as he's being an a******e. We often help them out but the favour is never returned.

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