Hayden James Wood, our world :) born on the 25/04/09- Extremely long!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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So it all started with waking up for a routine toilet trip at around 12am! Went to the toilet and noticed I seemed to be leaking… went back to the bed and soaked my underpants, cleaned up and thought this is a bit odd…. Paced around a bit to see what was going on and I really thought I was leaking… Went to sit on the bed and felt water gush out, woke Jarid- was rambling about pirates (still sort asleep)… Tested my theory of that my waters had gone twice more on the bed…lol. Well I was thinking the damage is done, two more puddles wont matter… that and I was honestly still sort of asleep…

So I got nervous and anxious and called the hospital… The midwife on duty asked me to meet her at the hospital, so I woke my mum and told her! Jarid and me then headed of on our own to the hospital to be checked out! We got bubs monitored and all was well, their was no need to do an internal as she was sure my waters had gone when I went through my maternity pad and gushed all over the bluey as she was trying to examine me… They gave me the option of being induced straight away or waiting. I knew their was a really high chance of going into labour naturally so me and Jarid opted to wait till Sunday 8am which I then would have been induced at. I could have waited till Monday but it seemed so long and most women went into labour shortly after on their own or not at all!

So back home we went… I tried to sleep, I really did! NO chance, I googled waters breaking on the net etc… Then I started getting pains every 15 mins by the time we got home. I thought it could be something but they told me it would take ages etc… So I kept waiting and contractions were extremely painful and getting closer together… It’s the weirdest feeling; you feel fine in between and yet you know you are about to get an incredible pain in about 7 mins or so! Lol! Jarid and I tried to watch a movie, it sort of worked… the pains got so much closer together. However I thought it was too soon for this to be happening and stuck it out… I called the midwife back at 6.30am and told her the pains were about 5 mins apart. She seemed to think I was exaggerating and that’s fair enough as I was still laughing to her on the phone, she asked if I wanted to come in and I said I think I am still ok at home. She seemed to think it was a good idea for me to stay for awhile longer.. I asked her what I was waiting for the contractions to get closer, more regular etc? She said all of those things… I was a bit worried as they seemed regular and close but was ok!

At 7.30am I realised I needed to call back, I was in a lot of pain! Mum timed the contractions and they were coming every 3 to 5 min, however no one seemed too worried as I was still talking and singing through them (just how I deal with pain)! So I waited till nearly 8am to call back as this was the shift-swap time for midwifes. I told her I had to come in, she said she would get Cathy (midwife on duty) to come in a bit early and to meet us their. She then said “well maybe you will have the baby by 8 tonight” and I said “maybe ill have him at ten” however she reassured me this wouldn’t happen as I was still dealing too well!

So off we went to hospital, I ran into Cathy in the entrance foyer, I told her I was in a lot of pain etc… We went to the birth suite, Cathy was reluctant to do an internal as my waters had gone etc. She asked the other girls what to do etc and they seemed to think they should send me home, as I was too cheerful etc! I felt anything but cheerful I carried on so much, or so I thought. However my hubby and mum said I was very calm and singing, playing around… I don’t remember that, I just remember a lot of pain.

Cathy came back and said “it ok we will admit you”, I wouldn’t have gone home at this stage I was in too much pain! She told me that its ok as she would be on all day and then be able to hand me over at night etc. I asked for pain relief, she was reluctant to give me anything and encouraged me only to try the bath as she thought I would not really have started dilating much because of the way I was acting.. I said I need gas and air, I tried it and loved it…

Got in the bath with my gas and air and was really content, the rest is a bit of a blur! Remember massive pain, and blood coming out with contractions. I kept telling Cathy I had a lot of pressure but everyone was still reluctant to believe me… So I was in the bath for about half an hour and she asked me if I thought I needed to push, I said, “ I think so”… She said you better get out of the bath then.

I really didn’t want too, firstly I thought they would separate me from my new best friend gas and air and I knew too well the pain I would be in, If I moved… However mum kept telling me to get out and Jarid too, it was only them that I got out for. Otherwise I would have stayed and Cathy said that’s ok as she was sure I wasn’t ready to push yet.

So I got on the bed for her to do an exam, so much pain! She then told me I was fully dilated and ready to have a baby, she was joking around with me saying, “how clever are you?” etc… I’m thinking I must be dumb as, because I am screaming my ass off and no one even believed I was dilating lol! However, Jarid and mum insist that what I called screaming was more like loud talking… I didn’t feel that way at all, I thought I was screaming the place down!

SO time to push, It took me awhile to get the hang of it to be honest. At the start I was screaming more than pushing and letting all my effort and pressure go out my mouth. Everyone was explaining what to do and to push with my bum, however I felt more like I needed to use the loo when I did that than I thought I was pushing a baby out… I thought I must be doing it wrong, but I wasn’t! So I pushed, and pushed, and nothing was happening for me. I changed position to let gravity help me, my only problem was you cant use the gas and push at the same time! However I was getting better at it and I remember feeling so useless, asking why nobody would help me, why could they not pull him out etc.. I also remember them telling me I was doing a good job and saying If I was he would be here etc! However Cathy reassured me some people push for nearly an hour, I got back on my back in bed; it was the most comfortable position for me. I then figured no one was going to help me but myself and to give it all I got!

So that I did, and shortly after my babies head started coming out! She asked me if I wanted to feel and I remember saying “NO!” and then coming of the gas and thinking hell yea I want to feel so I did! They told me he had lots of hair, I was keen on a bald bubba but he couldn’t be more gorgeous! So I pushed and she told me to stop and push slowly and give the area time to stretch. I could hear her but I felt a head their and knew I was close and didn’t want to wait, didn’t want to have to wait what felt like minutes for the next contractions. So I kept pushing, I felt his head pop out and the rest of his body was still in, I heard him cry. Yes he was crying with half his body out, all the midwifes said they hadn’t seen a baby do that before. At least I was reassured he was ok. I felt tears in my eyes and knew I had to give it my all and then he was out!

He is gorgeous, weighing in at 9lb and 4 oz! Or for me the easier version of 4.216kgs! He is 53.5 cm long and has a 36.5 head circumference! So a big bubba and seven stitches and two bad grazes later I finally have a complete family! I couldn’t be happier!


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:happydance: How great are you, well done hun, he is so gorgeous, Im so pleased for you both, take care :hugs: XX
Congratulations, Hayden is gorgeous x
aww well done hes gorgeous, he dusnt look as chunky as a 9lber tho lol
Congratulations! Lovely story and gorgeous baby :D xx
Great story :) Congrats :) :) Look forward to seeing you post in the Baby section!
congratulations, huni :hugs: he's a doll!
Congratulations! And well done chilled out mumma in labour! xxx
Congratulations he is beautiful x
That's such a great story hun! Congrats on your adorable little man! xx

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