head question


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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Hi ladies :flower: When rosalie was in special care i was always snooping at her chart and it said Head- Sl moulding right side So when i asked they said that theyr heads are still mouding etc but it would be corrected But shes ALWAYS lying on the one side and kinda has one side of her head flatter than the other....:wacko: I was told to try and keep her head turned the other way but she keeps turning it in here sleep. Has this happened to anyone else and should i be doing somethnig to help even it out? sorry if i sound silly confused.com :shrug:
this is very common hun with early babies and usually corrects itself, there was a thread not that long about it where im sure sb22 recommended a special pillow thingi that encourages baby to rest a certain way maybe worth a search. Sorry im not much use as it was not an issue for us but from what I have heard long term it is not an issue. Im sure someone will be along soon with more info :flower: x
When our GP saw Olivia for the first time last week she said ''ooo thats interseting she has got a flat head'!!. Its flat on both sides bevause she was lying on it when it wasnt moulded properly, the doctors said it would correct itself by the time shes about 7 months x
its a positioning pillow I suggested, but I was the same as you alibaba24 and alex did the same - it eventually evened out and alex decided for herself what to do!
Millie has a flatter head on the right side. The childrens physio has given us a peanut cushion to stop her head from rolling to the right. She has been using it for about three weeks now and I think there may have been a small improvement!
It's called plagiocephaly, fancy name for a flat spot on the back of the head due to postion. Sometimes it's caused from postion in the mothers womb, but can also happen after birth. Preemies are more prone to it due to be on their backs in the NICU with vents, cpap, tubes, etc.

It usually corrects itself as they get older. Try to keep them off of that side when they go to bed and switch their crib to the other side of the room.

Sometimes they can develop toritcollis, meaning that the muscles in the side of the neck are too weak. Preventing the infant to turn his/her head to the other side.

In severe cases a helmet or band can be fitted for the baby's head to help correct the postion. This should be done before 9 months to be the most effective. They are fairly expensive though.

Jack has this conidtion and it's severe....but he cannot have a helmet or band because he has external hydroceplaus as well as the history of his brain bleed. Putting this on his head would cause Inter crainal pressure and he would be in more trouble.

We do physical therapy at home to help Jack delevlop stronger neck muscles and we're trying to correct his flat spot.

His will always be there b/c it's pretty severe. ...but it's okay I can deal with it.:)
Try to put a pillow or roll a towel on the opposite side of the flat side. Whenever she's in her swing or bouncer have her looking the other way. She's too little to keep it there on her own so she will need help. She probably has delevloped a bit of toritcollis if she keeps putting it to the flat side.
iv started putting her head onto the other side and keeping my hand at the other side until shes in a deep sleep so she doesnt roll it over again it seems to be working as shes waking up with her head still on the side she started with :)

thanks guys xxxx
The twins used to lay on a certain side.

They said once they get to about 6 months and can roll they make themselves comfortable so it evens out. they now lay however is comfy so their hair has started growing a bit more on that side and it doesnt look as noticeable! x
Joseph was the same. His was quite 'long' as he very rarely spent time on the back of his heaD BUT IT seems to be correcting itself just nicely!!!

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