Hi everyone
Im new here and have finally managed to post on this forum.
Im 25 and we (my dh and I) have recently decided to actively try although we have been talking about it for awhile.
So on the 10th June I got my mirena coil removed after having it for 4 years (no problems with only the occassional af and absolutly no pain ) My doctor said I could conceive straight away if im lucky, so I decided to read up on this and found loads of horror stories. However dh and I thought we would and see what happens.
I didnt bleed at all after removal until about the 14th I got some very very light brown staining and this continued for about a full week on the last day a wee bit darker. However im a wee bit confused as im not sure if that did count as a proper af or just withdrawl from the coil being removed.
I now have no idea when im meant to be ov so im not sure if dh and I should just DTD over the next month and hope we get that egg?!
Also my dh cousins who are a wee bit older than us and got married the week after us have just announced they are expecting - im very pleased for them at the same time a tiny bit of me wishes it was us giving out the news.
Anyway comments or thoughts appreaciated
Im new here and have finally managed to post on this forum.
Im 25 and we (my dh and I) have recently decided to actively try although we have been talking about it for awhile.
So on the 10th June I got my mirena coil removed after having it for 4 years (no problems with only the occassional af and absolutly no pain ) My doctor said I could conceive straight away if im lucky, so I decided to read up on this and found loads of horror stories. However dh and I thought we would and see what happens.
I didnt bleed at all after removal until about the 14th I got some very very light brown staining and this continued for about a full week on the last day a wee bit darker. However im a wee bit confused as im not sure if that did count as a proper af or just withdrawl from the coil being removed.
I now have no idea when im meant to be ov so im not sure if dh and I should just DTD over the next month and hope we get that egg?!
Also my dh cousins who are a wee bit older than us and got married the week after us have just announced they are expecting - im very pleased for them at the same time a tiny bit of me wishes it was us giving out the news.
Anyway comments or thoughts appreaciated