Really need advice! Right... im 23 married 2 1/2 yrs. Ttc #1 from marraige up to 8 months ago when took break. About 3-4 weeks ago had unprotected but dh didnt 'finish'. Had no sign of ovulation (usually get mood swings/slimey discharge- sorry if tmi
), been under stress- moving, dh in hospital, poorly/passed pets etc etc... etc. AF usually punctual to 24 hours every 26 days. Now 6 days late. Constipated, peeing often, swollen/hard uterus area, blue veins on breasts much more prominent, had AF like cramps near 2 day late mark but gone, pain near right ovary on&off. All BFNs on HPTs and EPTs. Hot weather could be causing veins&constipation. Has anyone experienced this sort of thing/these symptoms? Is this normal for anovulation? Had no spotting at all at any time, no other symptoms- possible aversion to smoking- crave but hate taste all of sudden (i know shouldnt smoke, started up again with stress of everything). Looking for same symptoms/experienced anovulation/pg results with like symptoms.... any advice at all!!!BFNs scaring me! Whats wrong with me 
also went docs at 4 days late, given fibregel for constipation; kidneys fine, diabetes negetive, blood pressure fine, temperature fine.

also went docs at 4 days late, given fibregel for constipation; kidneys fine, diabetes negetive, blood pressure fine, temperature fine.