Hi Ladies,
I usually hang out in TTC but looks like I may be coming over to LTTTC for a while
and I just want some advice or some of your experiences with getting diagnosed with endo or PCOS...
I'm sorry this post is soooo long....
So I went to the docs yesterday - pretty useless. I think I have endo, I have been to a specialist a long while ago whilst on BCP, and at the time was told I could have a laparoscopy, I didn't go ahead because I didn't feel there was much benefit as I wasn't TTC.
Anyway, I have also had an ultrasound scan for my ovaries recently, no cysts, but possibly some follicles or polyps that shouldn't be there (no-one has explained properly)..
So, anyway, I gave my doc a list of my symptoms:
Pain before periods
Extremely painful 1st day of period (to the point I can't do anything at all)
Very heavy 1st day period
Upset tummy frequently
Ovary pains (sharp pains usually when I stand up - v painful I double over, lasts a few seconds)
General pains throughout month, inc shooting pains in vagina
Very irregular periods
Lower back pain (general aching)
Painful bowel movements sometimes, mainly during period
Achy legs, top back and behind knees. Achy legs if standing for too long whilst on period.
Sometimes pain during sex
Feeling nauseous sometimes late afternoon
Frequent Urination
Occasional odd back pain like trapped nerve when bending
Mood Swings
Last Cycles:
Most recent 44 days, Ovulated CD31
Before that 56 days, Ovulated CD 21
Before that 65 days, not sure when ovulated
So without even looking at the list, the doc said 'well from what I can see on the screen PCOS is more likely'. This is based just on the fact I have long irregular periods, and these follicle things. I am not overweight, and I don't have excess body hair. I know you don't have to have all the symptoms to have something, but it does seem I hardly have any of them!
So I made her look at the list, then she did say that a lot of the symptoms could be endo. She also said that there are 2 types of endo, 'chocolate' lumps that form on the ovaries - these affect TTC but would have shown up on my internal ultrasound. Then the other type which forms elsewhere and diagnosed by Lap, but these wouldn't affect TTC. I didn't think this was the case?
We've been TTC 6 months - She said I wouldn't get referred to a Specialist for 2 years because I am a healthy 20 something... Last doctor said 1 year
WTF!?!?!? Did she not read the frigging list??!! She just said I probably have PCOS then said I'm perfectly healthy...
So finally she said she will take CD1 bloods to check for PCOS then probably put me on clomid to shorten cycles.
Sorry this post is going on so much, just need to give all the info!
So my questions are:
1. Is she right about the scan picking up the endo if it was on my ovaries?
2. Can the other endo (diagnosed by Lap) cause TTC problems?
3. Should I insist on getting a Lap? Will it help if I do have Endo?
4. Have you had a Lap before TTC for 12/24 months.
5. Will clomid help if PCOS is the cause of my long and irregular cycles?
6. Any other similar experiences, help or suggestions gratefully received!!
Thanks Ladies x x x x
I usually hang out in TTC but looks like I may be coming over to LTTTC for a while

I'm sorry this post is soooo long....
So I went to the docs yesterday - pretty useless. I think I have endo, I have been to a specialist a long while ago whilst on BCP, and at the time was told I could have a laparoscopy, I didn't go ahead because I didn't feel there was much benefit as I wasn't TTC.
Anyway, I have also had an ultrasound scan for my ovaries recently, no cysts, but possibly some follicles or polyps that shouldn't be there (no-one has explained properly)..
So, anyway, I gave my doc a list of my symptoms:
Pain before periods
Extremely painful 1st day of period (to the point I can't do anything at all)
Very heavy 1st day period
Upset tummy frequently
Ovary pains (sharp pains usually when I stand up - v painful I double over, lasts a few seconds)
General pains throughout month, inc shooting pains in vagina
Very irregular periods
Lower back pain (general aching)
Painful bowel movements sometimes, mainly during period
Achy legs, top back and behind knees. Achy legs if standing for too long whilst on period.
Sometimes pain during sex
Feeling nauseous sometimes late afternoon
Frequent Urination
Occasional odd back pain like trapped nerve when bending
Mood Swings
Last Cycles:
Most recent 44 days, Ovulated CD31
Before that 56 days, Ovulated CD 21
Before that 65 days, not sure when ovulated
So without even looking at the list, the doc said 'well from what I can see on the screen PCOS is more likely'. This is based just on the fact I have long irregular periods, and these follicle things. I am not overweight, and I don't have excess body hair. I know you don't have to have all the symptoms to have something, but it does seem I hardly have any of them!
So I made her look at the list, then she did say that a lot of the symptoms could be endo. She also said that there are 2 types of endo, 'chocolate' lumps that form on the ovaries - these affect TTC but would have shown up on my internal ultrasound. Then the other type which forms elsewhere and diagnosed by Lap, but these wouldn't affect TTC. I didn't think this was the case?
We've been TTC 6 months - She said I wouldn't get referred to a Specialist for 2 years because I am a healthy 20 something... Last doctor said 1 year

So finally she said she will take CD1 bloods to check for PCOS then probably put me on clomid to shorten cycles.
Sorry this post is going on so much, just need to give all the info!
So my questions are:
1. Is she right about the scan picking up the endo if it was on my ovaries?
2. Can the other endo (diagnosed by Lap) cause TTC problems?
3. Should I insist on getting a Lap? Will it help if I do have Endo?
4. Have you had a Lap before TTC for 12/24 months.
5. Will clomid help if PCOS is the cause of my long and irregular cycles?
6. Any other similar experiences, help or suggestions gratefully received!!
Thanks Ladies x x x x