I had a chemical pregnancy in Feb and started my cycle on time 02/24. I was given the okay to start Femara, but didnt start it until the 4th day of my cycle. I had my progesterone tested on the 21st day and the results showed that I had not ovulated. I was supposed to start my period 03/27, but I had a feeling something was off. I usually cramp and have loose stools a week or so before my expected cycle date. I didnt have any of that. The 27th comes and goes and nothing happens. I had slight cramps on the 30th but it only lasted a few hours and didnt have any cramps until 04/05. Those were a little uncomfortable and caused lower back pain. Then on 04/07 I had very light pink blood when I wiped. Ive had slight cramps for the last day, but nothing too terrible. Has anyone had something similar happen?? Ive taken a pregnancy test today and it was negative