HELP I need some advice: Sick Baby


1 baby, 4 step-kids
Aug 31, 2007
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Okay I need some advice..I have no idea what to do. On Tuesday Noah started throwing up, not to much but it was noticeable. Then Wednesday he woke up and started heaving, throwing up, and then throwing up bile. We took him to the doctor who gave him an anti-nausea shot. Which made him sleepy but really didn't take away the vomiting. He then got diarrhea and I'm talking really bad diarrhea. Every time I put a bottle in his mouth he is going again. We called the doctor they said to take him to the ER so they could give him IV fluids. We did and they took some blood which came back fine, they also did a chest and abdomen x-ray.(which was negative). So on Thursday he seemed a little better he was keeping down all the fluids. The nurse at the hospital said I could try giving him pedilite and formula together, which I did and he threw it up, and the diarrhea just will not stop. He has had over 12 diarrhea diapers today. His poor bum is so raw. I don't know what to do. I think its viral because my step kids also got it but they are fine after about 12 hours and they didnt have diarrhea. Help me, what can I do to help him? Should I take him back to the ER? :hissy::cry:
Take him back to ER hun

What they have done to help so far obviously hasn't helped or got to the bottom of it and they really need to pay attention to that imo Poor lil man.

Do you have sudocream over there? Plaster his little bum in that and rub a lil vasoline (sp?) on the nappy to stop the rubbing being irriated by that can't be nice on top of being poorly.

I really hope he picks up soon hun :hugs: but I would now insist on finding the problem.

Have you taken his temp?
I agree, take him back in :hug: Hope you get some answers
I would def take him back as there is a chance he could get dehydrated.
Maybe he needs some anti-biotics to get rid of a bug in there somewhere.
Try and make sure he has plenty of fluids. With the sore bum maybe a warm bath will help soothe it a bit in short term but i would ask at ER if they can give you something for it to help repair the skin.
Hope he gets better soon xx
Thanks for all the reply's. I'm even more confused now. Usually my gut tells me what to do, and I have no idea what to do. I thought it was coming to an end. He went to sleep right around the time I started the thread. He slept pretty good, woke up about 5:30am, and I checked his diarrhea!...but no pee either. So Ive tried everything to get him to pee. Gave him 3 oz of water, I did give him formula and he kept it down, now 9:30am and he has had two explosive diapers. So I guess no more formula. I just don't know what to do. My mom is coming over to see him and we're going to make a choice on if we should take him, if we do I'm going to travel an hour south to a Children Hospital because the ER here doesn't know how to treat babies. Another thing that has started this AM is when he sneezes his nose bleeds.. He is happier today, I think because his bum has had time to heal a little. I'm just letting him go diaper free right now.
i would prob say he has a sickness bug. if he has already been thoroughly checked by a doctor and the hospital, then its prob just that, not sure about where you live but here, if its sickness, you should totally starve them and just give then water, with diralite, i thinking thats what pedilite is, you should do that for a bout a week, no formaula no food nothing just water and that, it will help him to flush it from his system, i arent doctor though, but from the sounds of it you have already been advised to give him the pedilite, but with his formula but i wouldnt give any food, it just prolongs the body from getting rid of the bug. hope he is better soon hun. xxx
i dudnt read your other thread, i think on second thought if nose bleeds are happening, get him seen

this could also be that his virus has caused his membranes to be sensitive so when he sneezes its busting them and causing a nose bleed thats wat its sounds like i get this wen i have a cold. xxxx
Poor little guy. Hope he gets better soon!

Like others have said, I would take him back to ER too.
Poor little man :( Yep I'd get him seen and I think the childrens hospital sounds like a better bet than the Er. Good luck hun and hope Noah is better really soon :hugs:

I would take him back down there too hun :hugs:

Poor little thing, hope he's better soon
Hi Ladies, I did go to the ER, we didn't go to the Children Hospital because my Mom talked me out of it and we went to another hospital near by. It didn't start out well. The nurse was so NASTY. When they walked us back she yelled at the woman who brought us back. " I don't want any other patients!" The poor lady said she wasn't going back there again. So we get there, and they basically tell me he looks fine, not dehydrated and if he is taking things by mouth its better then an IV(ie: they don't want to start one because it will be hard) The the doctor comes and she was so flaky. She basically says the same thing, and then leaves. They come back and say they are going to start an IV. My Mom and I were I said "I thought the doctor said it wasn't needed" they said she said you demanded one(nasty nurse) so that's where it went down hill. I told that nurse off. I told her you know its not my fault they are busy.I said much more but anyways she ended realizing she was being a bitch and apologized. I hope she was nicer to the other patients. We left and he has been doing better. He has peed now and only 4 small diarrhea diapers since 11am. They did say that this thing is going around and its bad. Its not the normal 48-72 bug. So I'm suppose to follow up with my doctor Monday. And next time I'm not listening to my Mom I'm going to the hospital I want to.
:( Sorry to hear that the doctor/nurses were so nasty to you
wat a set of nasty bitchs, noah is a baby and he cant tell you wats wrong, so the bitch of a nurse gets paid to tell you. wow that made really angry i cant believe they where like that, i hope noah is better soon hun. xxx
oh my god what nasties you met :( :hugs:

I hope the little man mends soon and will keep checking back here to see how he is :hugs:
Kyle had Gastroenteritis and it was exactly as you've described Noah. I really hope its not, Kyle lost alot of weight due to the constant vomiting and Diarrhea. And theres nothing for it, just to keep them hydrated and as long as he's showing an interest in food, let him have it. When I saw my doctor she told me it was rife at the moment, she'd already seen 3 kids that morning with it and it was only 11am :(

Hope he's better soon :hugs:
Hi Vanwest - can i just say he looks so cute in your avater!I cant believe how much he has grown!

My son has regular diarroah due to all the laxatives we have to give him for his spina bifida. The only way i can help his skin is to bathe him twice a day and then let him roll around naked with a muslin wrapped round his bum for a while. I always make sure the skin is 100% dry (i use talc) before applying any creams and nappies. I change him as soon as he poops, even if that is every half hour. There is nothing else you can do

Whilst they have diorroah and vomiting, you must keep them hydrated. Try feeding at every opportunity, even if all he does is throw it back up. He may absorb some of it.

My whole family came down with a D&V bug a month back and it is nasty. I drank the whole time even if it made me sick. My partner didnt and he was sick for 5 days with headaches and dehydration, whereas i was as right as rain in 48 hours.

I hope he feels better soon and I hope you dont get it!!
Noah had a wonderful day yesterday. No sickness whatsoever. I thought it was done...

He awoke around 4:30am and vomited all over the place, he couldnt stop for awhile then the diarrah came back, extremly pale and in pain. So I took him to the doctor and they agreeed it had been to long. They ran a CBC and it came back fine which is good. I have to collect his stool four different times and drop it off at the lab. They want to make sure he doesnt have a parasite or rotavirus because he didnt recieve the vaccine because he was in the NICU when he turned 2 months old.. He's been sleeping about an hour now(thank god..I need a break!)
Poor little man & you hun, I really hope he is better soon :hugs:
Take him in straight away. If he's being very sick, he could become dehydrated and when that happens he will stop passing urine and bowel movements. If he's not better, take him back.

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