Help, i really need it.


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Aug 2, 2010
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My partner has breast fed our 18 month old son from day 1, which is a great thing to do, he is strong and is a very healthy boy. He looks a lot older than he actually is. However, There are problems that's concerning me. She has also breast fed him to sleep ever since he was born. IE, lying next to him on our bed until he falls asleep and then transfers him to his cot/bed. This is something she still does to this day. In the past i have attempted to put him to bed myself but have never managed to do it. He wants his mom and the comfort of the breast i presume. I have tried with pre-pumped milk from my partner, formula and water without success. He has never wanted or used a dummy. He normally goes to sleep within 5 or 10 minutes while she breast feeds him to sleep. He wakes up crying at least twice a night still to this day and she repeats the process of lying next to him until he falls asleep again and then returns him to his cot/bed. In the past i have been able to return him to sleep by rocking him back to sleep in my arms, which takes anything up to 40 mins walking around with him. This is no longer working. On occasions in the past she has become angry with me for not putting him to bed more often. I say that’s down to the situation that has been created in the manner in which he has been put to bed all this time. She is now saying she breast feeds him to sleep because i wasn’t putting him to bed. Which i don't think is fair as for the first 9 months i genuinely did try.

She has now started back to work and sometimes has to work from 14:00 to midnight. On these nights i have a such a hard time getting him to sleep. The other night it took me 3hrs 45 mins to try and get him to sleep and he finally fell asleep at 22.15. In the end i had to put him in his push chair and take him for a walk. I tried everything up to that point. He awoke at 23.30 that night but I managed to get to him before his crying really woke him up and rocked him back to sleep.

Her mother looked after him one night and it took her 3 and a half hours to get him to sleep. So I challenged her the other night to put him to sleep without breastfeeding like I have to, epecially after she said my techniques for putting him to bed "sucked". That sparked a row, and she refused point blank.

NB. I am English, my partner is Norwegian. She lived in the UK with me until she was 8 months pregnant and returned to Norway. I had to quit my job and move there. I spent the first nine months of my sons life there looking for a job, couldn’t get one as i don’t speak Norwegian yet. Came back to England to finish a course in February and because she claims single parent allowance and rent etc. If im there (working or not working) she would lose the money. I can only stay there for a month at a time (not sure in what length period that is).

I have just come back to England from a 1 month visit to Norway. Everything has changed with my relationship with my son in the 2 months i have not seen him. I can't get his attention, he wants to be with the Norwegian speakers, no one has been speaking English to him. He is hitting me, slapping me round the face. She has taken him to her parents house every day. My Norwegian neighbours told me she stays at her parents house 6/7 days a week now. My son now follows her dad everywhere and will not come to me anymore I am sure he thinks her dad is his father. They are spoiling him too much and I cant get a look in. I am getting angry by this. They all speak over me in Norwegian to him when i am telling him something in English. He listens to them. In my month there I stayed away from her parents house as much as I could to try and repair my relationship with my son. They then would come round to us!! Thank god they went to Italy on holiday for a week in my last week there.
I have just found out that while she worked to midnight last night my son slept in her parents bedroom in his cot. We live 3 miles away from her parents.
Actually i was going to delete this thread, but now i have typed it out, i have more issues than i realise. I am going to leave it for any comments as i am going insane and need help.

Am I making a fuss over nothing ?
Is there anywhere i can go or get in contact with professionally?
Furthermore, I have always struggled to get her out of bed. She slept in until 14.30 before pregnant while i was doing 50+ hours a week at work.

In fact it has always been me that gets up with him from 5am onwards. I am an early riser myslef so that has never bothered me. She gets up now anything up to 12 midday, AND her answer to the problem she has when he is awake in the morning.....She has barracaded the bedroom door so he cant get out. He potters around the bedroom for hours until she gets up and lets him out, or until he gives up and goes back to sleep for a few hours. I was shocked when i saw this on my return and I have tested this out while I had to chop logs for the very cold winter ahead in Norway. Even if he jumps all over her she doesnt get up until she is ready. I cant let this happen and feel compelled to step in and go get him.
Ok long post and not sure i understood it all :blush: so sorry if the responce is wrong for your situation.

Firstly BF is good for baby but i agree at 18 months a child should be able to go to sleep without being on the breast. You obviously need to bring this up with her without causing an argument. Or even maybe suggest that it might be time to wean him off the breast? There must be some age that it becomes less acceptable to have your child on the breast?

Secondly he wont develop a relationship with you with everything else going on and you only being there sometimes then not for months. You are like a stranger to him. As for the language barrier if you want him to talk English and Norweigan maybe you could raise the funds for him to have English lessons?

If she is working nights i would find it hard to be up early in the morning, maybe you can all discuss him being with her parents till midday or something so he is still being engaged and she can sleep?

Sorry this is getting a bit long, work out what you want and then calmly discuss them with her. If you both still want to be in the relationship then surely you can both agree or compromise.

sorry youre going through a rough time; but i think you need to sit down with her, away from her parents, maybe they could look after your lo for an afternoon and have a heart to heart and tell her how you feel. you both seem tired/frustrated/exhauseted for different reasons and i guess for you, being in a foriegn country and not seeing your son for ages is real tough. could you not be a sahd (stay at home dad)? is that not an option? that way you could bond with your son a little more. I personally think that at 18 months, he really shouldnt be breast fed anymore. Try to get a routine going, bath, bottle and bed. It might be difficult for a while and your lo might cry but its all about consistency, if he sees that there is a pattern and that this is the routine that he has to follow, slowly, slowly he should start to follow. Good Luck xx
Sorry you are going through such a tough time at the moment. It must be heartbreaking having your son treating you like a stranger when you are there - surely she must see this and must also feel like something has to change? I do feel at the age your son is that he should have a well-established bed-time routine; bath, bottle and story, bed and should not be falling asleep at the breast - your partner is setting herself up for a difficult situation when the time comes to stop breast feeding - what will happen when he comes off the breast and he has no bed-time routine apart from falling asleep in her bed whilst breast feeding?

Certainly you need to sit down and have a long, honest discussion with her without anyone else there to sort out these issues - it's unfair you are really having not much say in the way your son is being brought up because you are unable to live with them full-time. I think that is at the heart of the issue - if you were there full time you would be able to forge a better relationship with your son and your opinion would be taken into account more - is there any way possible that you could arrange to be with them full time?

Good luck xx
hi there, i think u ought to sit with your other half and talk things through.i can somehow emphatise with you too becos im sorta in d same position with my husband.she might find it easier breastfeeding than facing the hassle of weaning. its not easy coping with baby and each person has different ways of coping you just have to meet half one is perfect at bringing up a child and though there are guides and expert opinions its still a life process that one sorta adapts to depending on ur circumstances and capabilities. in my case my hubby doesnt want me to stop breastfeeding cos he doesnt want lo to even shed a tear, different strokes right? lol.take it easy on urself hun and try to talk things through. remember compassion and compromise is key!!! hugs..

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