Shouldn't I be getting even the faintest line, or are there days with no line? One of my trackers says this is the beginning of my fertile time so I was concerned that there isn't even the faintest line there.
no dont worry some ppl dont get any line until a few days before there surge.
your tickers says your only day 8 of your cycle so you wont be getting lines yet
im not saying your testing to early im just saying dont be shocked that you havnt got a line as most people dont get a line until a couple of days or the day before
I just can't hold my pee in that long I'm sick now and I've been trying to take in a lot of water. Unfortunately that means I've been peeing about every 30 minutes.
I found that i could go from no hint of a line, to a positive, to a very faint line in the space of about 36 hrs. I had to test twice a day, as i think my surges were very short. If i hadnt done that i think id of not known when i ovd xx
Ugh. I hope I see them soon! On the up side, taking Mucinex for chest congestion and I know that can help some people conceive, so we shall see. Still light today when I took one, peed at 4am and took the test at 8am after I peed again.
Did you know that the best time to take them is from 10am -8pm? fmu is not good for testing for LH as it takes all day to build up enough in your urine to be detected could be why you're not getting lines
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