Hey lovely xx Saw this pop up on the new threads board, so I hope don't mind me posting

Try to not stress lovely xx More than likely your cycles will even out. It's hard work getting all those artificial hormones out of your system! Plus your body has been told what to do for however long you were on the pill, so it's bound to be a tad topsy turvey while it figures out which way is up
If you do find you have a luteal phase defect though, there are plenty of things you an do, natural or otherwise. A lot of doctors don't recognise this as a problem unfortunately. Luteal phase defects are caused by low progesterone which can be fixed with cream of suppositories and can be identified by 21 day bloods (should be called 7 DPO though as that's when it should be done).
If you want to try more natural ways though, you can try Vitex, this balances all your hormones including, oestrogen, progesterone, prolactin and lutenising hormone. It's even been dubbed as that natural clomid in the naturopath world (my saviour and grace that gave us our beautiful rainbow boy and I'm currently taking it again). You can also look into B6 and Vitamin C as well as natural progesterone cream. Make sure you investigate the right level and such to take xx Or even speak to a naturopath xx
Lots of love and dust to you beautiful