Help someone!!....


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Caine has been waking almost every hour or 2 the last 4 or 5 days apart from one day.... I pick him up to rock him to sleep and he is rooting for food... so I put him in bed with us which I normally do and he feeds then falls to sleep...

He is waking eah time feeding and then going back to sleep. He is teething but dont think its this.. I just leave him latched on to me in bed as I am so sick of it, but then I wake all the time and with a bad back

I really dont know what to do, its worse than when he was a newborn and I have just been sat crying this morning :(

Is he ready for solids? Growth Spurt? Teething? I am so confused what am I doing wrong? :cry:

I just want him to sleep again :( and I am doubting myself now as to what am I doing wrong?

Please can someone offer any advice? Thanks
I'm afraid I can't offer any advice, but I do remember reading that they do get a growth spurt around 4 months & all they want to do is eat and sleep.

I bet someone will come along shortly with better advice, hang in there :)
Thanks :D

I really dont want to start solids yet unless I know he is absolutely ready for it....

I just want to cry as it was all going so well and now this :( Its lasted about 5 days now..
Hi, firstly i doubt this is about needing solids, it may well be a growth spurt but i'm going to give you some words of advice which you can choose to ignore or accept its up to you-STOP letting him breastfeed himself to sleep! I am two months down the line from where you are and my little girl will only go down to sleep now if she is being fed or rocked. She used to be great and could get herself down no problem and then something happened-not quite sure what,growth spurt? me responding too quickly when she woke? i honestly don't know but now she can wake up to 5/6 times a night and can't get herself back down and the blame is all mine.
I may have read your post wrong btw and if so great but please don't get into the habit of letting him nurse to sleep as its going to end in sleepless nights. By all means feed him but lie him down awake and let him get to sleep on his own.
Caine is 18 weeks or so? He is bigger and maybe just trying to stimulate a bit more supply-certainly ellis started feeding more around that point too. Try and fill him up during the day as well. Good luck and as long as you aren't a soft touch like me you'll be just fine xx
I can't offer advice but wanted to let you know you are not alone hun. Hannah has been doing it for about 3 weeks now. Since she started on solids funnily enough! I think it was just a coinsidence tbh as she is far better during the day now but from about 1-2 am she wants to feed every 1 or 2 and it is totally ehxausting, I have been shattered.

She feeds, falls asleep while comfort sucking and then wakes and starts feeding again! So :hugs: to you hun and I know you feel. I have no miracle idea but I am just putting up with it for now xxx
aaw hun sorry your having a rough time of it. when he wakes, is he actually feeding or just comfort sucking? could very well be a growth spurt, all i can suggest is sleep when he does to keep your energy up. i know how uncomfy it is having them latched on in bed. we had 10 weeks of it.
aww hun huge hugs...kaleb has been the same the past couple of weeks feeding every 2 hours in day and now fallin asleep after so long xx
This is what Hebe is like ATM and it's teething. No matter how much food I give her she's waking most nights as another tooth starts to come though. I wouldnt wean hun. I dont like giving Calpol but I have given her some if we've had a 'bad' night and the next evening I give it before bed. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt :)

Like mm said it could be teething... although there is nothing wrong with giving tylenol. If you think your baby needs it go for it. Anytime I think Jasmine is teething or whatever I give her a bit before bed, no point in putting her through the stress and pain.

Could be a growth spurt too! Good luck, wean when you feel its right for you!
Well he is definately teething so It could be this....
When he wakes sometimes its a full feed sometimes its comfort sucking
I really want to get out of the nursing him to sleep and teaching him to do it himself, but I am not convinced and dont want to use the cry it out technique so what on earth can i do? I am absoutely dreading tonight :(
He's still quite young hun. Hebe only really learned to fall to sleep on her own at about 6 months :)
will he take a dummy? its taken us soooo long to get layla to take one but now she is she goes to sleep with that and also has proper naps in the day, wheras before i'd feed her to sleep in the day and as soon as i moved to try and put her down she'd wake. have you tried boots camomilla teething powders also? we use these and the gel, as like lisa said, im also not keen on giving calpol unless absolutely necessary.
:hugs: Me and Olivia are having this problem at the mo, not sure if it is a spurt or teething or both :wacko: xx
Ellis is teething too and she's up 3/4/5 times a night. I honestly sympathise and my advice was to prevent you falling into similar situation to mine IF it was still preventable. Ellis is just over 6 months and i'm only just considering doing the 'sleep sense' program (a little kinder than crying it out possibly but essentially the same) and i think with babies as young as Caine crying it out isn't appropriate. Its a really difficult one,especially when you know the short term solution is as easy as a quick bf. I've been using Ashton and parsons teething powders and bonjela and calpol-but only if she's really unsettled,don't think there's any quick fix for teething. During the day Ellis adores gnawing on a bickiepeg or two though. Good luck xx
Even if I can rock him to sleep or stroke his face its easier than BF him as then OH can do it etc.

Am, gonna try and get him in bed earlier tonight and try him in the cot drowsy but awake and sit with him :D

Thanks everyone xx
We are having the exact same problem! If you google 4 month old sleep problems you will see we are not alone either! I have totally been at my wits end these last few nights and am also desperate now for a good nights sleep. I have put him down in his own room, in his big boy cot for the first time tonight (aww he looks so tiny!) and i plan on giving him a feed at 11/12 before i go to bed. After that im going to try not go to him if he wakes up and give him the opportunity to self settle, even let him cry a bit. Then go in, not pick him up, reassure him and then leave the room again and repeat if necessary. I am adamant though that i am not going to nurse him cause after last night i know he isnt hungry - i think i have been too quick to jump in and comfort him, so im trying a tougher approach tonight.

good luck!
Well I am back up, he was NOT tired!! :rofl:

He is back down here with me will try and send him off again in half hour. Still better than 11.15!! Slowly I am sure if I perservere his bed time will move back at least....

He is just not tired as yet!
He finally went off at 10.30 and woke twice in the night, not too bad!! But when he was waking he was starving...

Lets see how tonight goes.....

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