he's not pooping


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2007
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My LO is constipated. He has been like this since Wednesday. We had a pediatrician appointment on Thursday and she gave him an enema. She told us we could buy some at Walmart incase it happened again.

Well, it has happened. Every day. He hasn't pooped on his own since 7am on Wednesday! We have given him three enemas and every time he poops tons. He just isn't doing it on his own.

We swapped his formula from Similac to Good Start. But he was constipated before we swapped it. We actually swapped it to see if it would get better (we had to swap anyways, but were going to wait until we used up all our Similac), but it hasn't. We completely swapped his formula Thursday night.

I dont know what to do. We have another pedi appointment on Monday, but that seems so far away. I hate giving him the enemas because he cries so much, and I dont want it to be hurting him.

We have tried some clear Karo syrup in his last two bottles of formula because everyone has told us it will help loosen it up. Nothing yet, though. And I dont know if we are putting enough in there. I dont want to put too much and upset his stomach, but I feel so bad that he isn't able to poop. He is straining and pushing, but nothing.

Is there anything else I can do? I feel bad for my poor baby. :cry:
When they do empty their bowels is it hard and painful? Do they have colic like pains?(that's when they do it naturally without the enema)

It is perfectly normal for a baby on formula to have a bowel movement once a week.
yeah i was gonna say the same health nurse told me its completely normal for them not to for up to 9 days.
Relieving constipation in Babies:

Massage your baby's tummy and move your baby's legs in a cycling motion

Give your baby a plenty of nice warm baths.

When you wash your baby's bottom, apply Vaseline around the outside of the anus.

Check you are making formula correctly

Give cooled boiled water

What's the difference between good start and your previous formula? We have something called comfort in the UK which is made to be easier for babies to digest....
When he does it, with the enema, it is thick. My OH describes it like "clay", but I dont think it is quite that thick. Alot of it is kind of chunky. (sorry if tmi)
Sometimes he cries when pushing, but I dont know if it's just because he is cold and doesn't like having his diaper off. Other times he is okay pushing after receiving the enema.

We just dont want him to get really backed up. He went from pooping at least 5 times a day, to not pooping at all. Every time we give him the enema though he poops quite a bit.
He will have had bowel movements alot because babies do after labour....
The Similac is supposed to be an expesive, 'good' brand. It's what they used at the hospital. Good Start is what I get on my WIC (we get 10 cans a month), and it has "Comfort Proteins" for easy digestion.

Massage your baby's tummy and move your baby's legs in a cycling motion -- we have been doing this. OH has been massaging his tummy since he first got constipated and I noticed the other day that after we gave him the enema. When we though he was done and lifted his legs to wipe him he would poop more. So we have been raising his legs and moving them around to try and help him.
Give your baby a plenty of nice warm baths. -- we have been sponge bathing him two times a day because the doctor thinks he has a staff infection. We cannot completely bath him though because he still has the thing on his belly button.
When you wash your baby's bottom, apply Vaseline around the outside of the anus. -- we could definitally try this.
Check you are making formula correctly -- we have been using powdered, and do one scoop to 2oz of formula. Thats following the directions so it shouldn't be too think, should it? or too runny.
Give cooled boiled water -- haven't tried this. How much would you give them though? Can too much upset his stomach?
He will have had bowel movements alot because babies do after labour....

I didn't know that.
Wednesday night he was definitally constipated though because he was up all night crying and wouldn't sleep -- which he hasn't done before (or yet). Then when we went to the doctor she checked before giving him the enema and it was hard as a rock. He had a big chunk that was like a rock. I just dont want him to be in that much pain again.
Dunno if this helps but I've been told by a number of people pure orange (not concentrated) watered down helps.

Another might not help is when I changed her food for another reason I was told it may make her a bit constipated up until a week after change.

My Caitlin didn't poo much when she was first born & was quite solid at first but that soon changed.
I didnt read what everyone else has told you because I have limited time so if I'm repeating what some one else had told you I'm sorry.

Rylee has had the same issue since she was 5 days old.... we changed her formula too. We have tried everything! from water to suppositories. She was going once every 2 to 3 days. :cry: She would just scream at points in the day because it hurt so bad.

The doctor told us not to use the suppositories every day because she didn't want her to get used to having them because she might not start going with out them even when she does get better, so we would give them to her every other day if she hadn't pooped yet and we would do it at 5pm so she would go before bed time so she wouldn't be hurting.

I will tell you what worked the best so far..... prune juice! We started giving it to her Thursday and she was still going once a day (if that) but starting yesterday she went 4 times! Its wonderful!!! We give her 3ml in 2oz of water in the morning and after two days she has started getting back to normal.

At first I was scared to give her anything other then formula but the prune juice has really worked. :happydance:

Try that if nothing else has worked.:hugs:
someone else told us to try prune juice as well. We haven't tried that.

He did go last night though :dance: We gave him some Karo syrup. Just a small amount in his bottle of formula. We gave it to him in three bottles yesterday, and then haven't given it to him in his last four. He has pooped three times so far. I dont know how long the Karo syrup will stay in his system until it starts getting to the ones without it. But we both decided not to give him anymore and see if he starts pooping on his own now. If not, I guess we will try some more Karo syrup or prune juice.
Well, we talked to the doctor about it again on Monday and she swapped him to soy formula. He seems to be doing better on it. Last night he pooped alittle bit on his own after some straining and a red face. :sad1: Today he started pushing and straining. His whole little face and head was turning red. I went to change his diaper and again it was only a little bit so we gave him another enema. It was really hard too. I felt so bad for him, his whole face kept getting red he was pushing so hard! :sad1:
The doctor said it can take up to a week for the soy to completely get in his system and the other to leave. She said if the soy doesn't work there is another one they can try and give him, but usually the soy works. She also told me to try giving him 2oz of water 3 times a day between feeds. However, he just DOES NOT like water!! (gets it from his mommy! :blush:) He will take 1oz. Well... 1oz leaves the bottle. He might swallow a bit, but at least half (if not more) ends up on the rag/his shirt.
Anyways, I'm hoping he gets better! *crosses fingers*
I really hope that works for him.

I was thinking about changing Rylee to soy, because she has now gotten bad about not pooping again. I'm just worried with the soy she wouldn't get as much calcium as she would with anything else, did they say anything to you about that?

Thats funny he will not take water, Rylee will take anything I put to her mouth even the prune juice... I thought for sure she wouldn't take that. :rofl:
They never said anything about the calcium, and I never thought about that. I wonder if I should ask? hmm..

But yeah, he wont take the water for the life of me. I feel bad trying to force it on him. And even when I keep the bottle in his mouth he just hold it in there until I remove the bottle then spits it out.
hard headed!
aw! he sounds like he has a lot of personality!

Well if you ask them would you let me know, either here or in a message because I'm interested and if it would help then its something I might try.
I don't go back and see the nutritionist until the end of next month.
I will tell you what worked the best so far..... prune juice!

Hello! Just a tip if using these juices for your little ones. (BTW, they worked GREAT for my son!)

Anyway, buy the large bottle of juice/nectar and pour into ice cube trays. Freeze. Then, drop juice ice cubes into a large freezer bag marked with the juice variety and date. Why, you might ask? It makes it super easy for portioning into little bottles or sippy cups. Each cube is approximately 1 or 2 ounces - just check your ice cube tray before freezing. Then you know whether to add an additional 2 or 4 ounces of filtered water to the cube when preparing a drink for your little one. The juice cube keeps the drink chilled and is the perfect balance of juice and water.

Hope that tip helped. :)

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