hi girls...


Mother of 1 & Expecting
Aug 18, 2010
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Im currently 28 weeks pregnant and although little one is not here yet I did have a question for some of you whom have had a preemie and been through premature labour....firstly though i would like to wish all of you all my love and best wishes and congratulate you on your fighting spirits...some of the stories on here have me weeping into my cornflakes and you all deserve medals of honour.

I just have a silly query really and thats if any of you were in preterm labour and only experiencing backache....i had a gush of fluid last week and was sent to the hospital where they said everything was fine, ive come home and been okay for the rest of the time apart from last night and this morning where i just seem to be having chrnoic backpain....i did get backpain throughout my pregnancy but this does not feel the same, ive had really loose bowels this morning too, sorry for tmi, not had any tightenings or contracttions....i dont think but then i wouldnt know what on earth im looking for....am just a bit concerned. any advice or stories xxx
Hiya :)
I didn't leak fluid, infact they broke my waters in the delivery room. I didn't feel like I was having contractions or tightenings either, just increasingly more painful and frequent period pains. It was very fast, and a few hours after it started and I felt like I really wanted to push I knew I needed to go to hospital! Even when I got there and they asked how long I'd been having contractions for I said I wasn't, just having period pains. That was my problem - I also didn't know what warning signs to be looking out for. It was a normal day of a normal pregnancy, I'd seen my midwife that afternoon and everything was fine. Imagine the shock when I was examined and told I was fully dilated......
Call your delivery suite and ask them for advice please xx
My story was similar to toothfairys although it became contractions.

I think everyones experience of labour is different, and preterm can be the same or differ from full term labour. I'd say call the delivery suite too Hun x
Thanks girls, i think i will give them a ring then and see what they say, its probably nothing and im maybe just being a little anxious but i just cant seem to shake the feeling that something is not quite right.....i dont know why and probably is just me being paranoid, the pain in my back is like a dull ache that every now and then depending what position im in seems to hurt more, then ive kind og got cramps in the top of my legs but this could be anything either!!

I know preterm labour must have been scary for all of you and i cant imagine how you mst have all felt but any other stories id love to hear them as it just makes me feel so great knowing how strong you all are and how well your llittles ones have done...xxx
When I went into labour all my pain was in my back and I never felt any difference on my stomach. However the pain came and went with each contraction and not constant ache.

Hope your lo stays cooking until term.
yeah this is why i didnt think it could be contraction type pain cos its just constantly there, ive took some pararcetamol, going to give it a couple of hours and if its still there ill ring them xx
The only give away I had that I was having contractions was the fact they were so regular and it didn't dawn on me, but my tummy was going rock hard at each one.
I am the odd woman out...happens a lot. And I am not meaning to scare you, but my labor started with a backache that would not back off. It then turned into tightening across my stomach and back (the first backache was constant). My water broke while I was in the hospital, but I was dilating already hence why I was sent to the hospital in the first place by my OBGYN.

I hope yours turns out to be nothing. :hugs:
Did you give your Doc a ring? What did they say?
hey girls, sorry ive not kept you updated....i havent rang them yet as i keep thinking ill give it another few hours to see if it passes and take some more paracetamol....to be honest its hurting this morning its making me feel sick so im going to ring them soon.....i know its silly of me to put it off but just dont want to be seen a hypocondriact. I will keep you all updated xxxx
Even if the whole hospital staff thinks you are being a hypochondriac...it doesn't matter hon...I did that as well. I felt something was off when I called the on call OBGYN, she was like "I don't know what it can be, but come in if it makes you feel better"...I didn't. Sure enough....I was in labor. I regret that choice to this day. Not trying to say this is the case with you..or to scare you. But really when in doubt, get checked out. This is your baby and your body, if you feel something is off...then you have every right to be checked out without judgment. And really what are they going to say if everything is ok?

I didn't have labour at all because I had an emergency c-section at 27 weeks, but I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and hoping everything is ok xxxxx
hey girls, well i rang the hospital and explained to one of the midwifes who answered how i was feeling etc and she advised me to ring the out of hours doctor which im going to do, told her about the backpain and the general feeling of being unwell and she said to contact them first....will keep you posted! what a bloody carry on lol...watch it be nothing but a bit of a backache that will go away the minute i see a doctor! lol xx
well i rang the out of hours and spoke to a doctor, could be that ive just got bit of a stomach bug which is why im going to the loo alot and feeling generally poorly, with regards to the back pain they said as long as its not getting worse and im not loosing any fluid or blood and i can feel bump moving and not having contractions then to just rest and if it persists or i really do start worrying then to ring them back and they will send somebody out.....im happy with this, ive just relaxed most of the day and bump seems to be more active than she was and seemes to have moved higher up, havent been to the toilet in the last few hours, backpain still there though so going to see how that one goes....thats all i can do i guess....am a little less frantic now ive spoken to a doctor lol...

thanks for all the advice and everything girls i think i panic too much xxxx
well i rang the out of hours and spoke to a doctor, could be that ive just got bit of a stomach bug which is why im going to the loo alot and feeling generally poorly, with regards to the back pain they said as long as its not getting worse and im not loosing any fluid or blood and i can feel bump moving and not having contractions then to just rest and if it persists or i really do start worrying then to ring them back and they will send somebody out.....im happy with this, ive just relaxed most of the day and bump seems to be more active than she was and seemes to have moved higher up, havent been to the toilet in the last few hours, backpain still there though so going to see how that one goes....thats all i can do i guess....am a little less frantic now ive spoken to a doctor lol...

thanks for all the advice and everything girls i think i panic too much xxxx

I think it's maybe better to over panic than under panic! At least you are aware of how you are feeling, and hopefully it's nothing, but it's better to be that way than to assume it's nothing and it turn out to be something!

well i rang the out of hours and spoke to a doctor, could be that ive just got bit of a stomach bug which is why im going to the loo alot and feeling generally poorly, with regards to the back pain they said as long as its not getting worse and im not loosing any fluid or blood and i can feel bump moving and not having contractions then to just rest and if it persists or i really do start worrying then to ring them back and they will send somebody out.....im happy with this, ive just relaxed most of the day and bump seems to be more active than she was and seemes to have moved higher up, havent been to the toilet in the last few hours, backpain still there though so going to see how that one goes....thats all i can do i guess....am a little less frantic now ive spoken to a doctor lol...

thanks for all the advice and everything girls i think i panic too much xxxx

If I were you, I would go in and have them check you out. JUST to be on the safe side. It doesn't take long at all.

I thought it was nothing too, when I started having mild contractions, that I thought were braxton hicks. I also thought I had a bug, as I was running to the toilet constantly. I had no fluid loss, or bleeding, and LO was moving just as much as usual. Unfortunately, I put it off as braxton hicks for the night.
i went in to get checked as i thought something wasnt quite right. felt silly sitting there on monitor but cam flew out via section just a few hours later. if u still feel something is not quite right u should just pop in to be checked. thats what they are there for :hugs: all the best xxx
Hey girls......just thought id let you know everything is ok, thanks for all the support and help....i feel a little silly now but everything calmed down and i saw my midwfie etc :)

much love, hugs and kisses to you all xxx

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