Hi girls :wave:
My little man Noah was born last thursday after emergency section at 33w+4
He was born due to me developing pre-eclampsia and severe HELLP syndrome.
I'm home now without him, and the baby blues have set in as to be expected. I totally anticipated the crying regardless of when Noah arrived but I've been seriously overwhelmed by how guilty I feel.
I feel so guilty that my body failed him and led to him being born early and guilty that my OH missed the birth of his son due to the emergency section.
I fully anticipate that the baby blues will pass, but does the guilt ever go away?
Hi again
I replied in one of your threads last night - glad you have found the preemie section
I felt and still feel those feelings of guilt. Sophie just turned one in March. I really beat myself up about it for a long long time and I'm actually getting counselling just now. I had pre eclampsia as well, and totally blamed myself for not being able to keep Sophie safe inside for longer. I talked all this through with my counsellor and he has been encouraging me to focus on what I DID do, ie kept her safe for 27 weeks, nourished her, did everything I possibly could to have a healthy pregnancy and didn't do anything I should do....and he keeps reminding me that I now have a really healthy, happy little baby when it could quite easily have been a different story. It's taken me a long time but I'm beginning to feel better when I look at it that way. I had a hard time around her first birthday, but he said just think what anniversary we
could have been having to get through, and when you look at it like that, it puts everything into perspective.
I also spent a long time worrying in case Sophie didn't know I was her mummy, and about how she would feel about me not being with her 24/7. It felt so wrong coming home without her. My counsellor said that I was the one constant thing in her life even through neonatal - the nurses changed every day but I was going there and sitting with her and talking to her and stroking her every day. The nurses were doing all the medical things for her but I was doing things that she needed too, like changing her nappy, feeding her etc.
Since she's been home I've gradually started to feel better and to feel the bond that I was scared was missing at the start. She had to spend 12 weeks in neonatal, and to be honest, I was terrified in case it would feel like we were bringing home an adopted baby when she came home - after all, it was such a long time between me being pregnant and us bringing the baby home but we quickly started to bond and she really does know I'm her mummy now, and finally has started to just want me when she's upset etc. It's such a lovely feeling when only mummy cuddles will do!
I hope this helps a bit - feel free to pm me if you need a chat