like a tinny pop feeling or kinda like a pulse feeling like thud thud .....thud and it will some times be 3 really close together or spaced farther apart
It feels like popping or maybe even a weird "heart beat". My little one gets mad when they are strong and will also kick or punch me when he/she has them.
I agree with all the PP, it's smaller and more regular than other movements. Also you will probably feel them in a different place, closer to baby's head if you know where that is.
My baby has them alot, the further along you are the more obvious that it is hiccups. Its like a rythmic twitching feeling. My baby has them 2-4 times a day and can last up to 10 mins, its even woke me up in morning before.
My baby boy gets hiccups about 15 minutes after I eat...everytime.... and I can feel them low, behind or just above my pelvic bone... just a pop, pop, pop, pop.... imagine a slow drip from a faucet...
My baby's hiccups feel like a rythmic pulse in my belly. They usually happen a bit after I eat as well. I don't think she enjoys them too much because it usually includes her moving around at the same time haha. I know my baby is head down right now, so I feel her hiccups really low a couple of inches in the centre right below my belly button, whereas I used to feel them higher up and off to the side before she was head down.
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