high risk pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2012
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Hi ladies!

i feel a bit low since my last midwife appointment.
i am 26 weeks pregnant now and have a routine check up next week for GD, iron, and rhesus C.
what put me down a bit was that they were basically expecting something to be wrong and they already told me they were to transfer me to the hospital high risk team if the GTT came back altered and/or my blood pressure was 85 or higher and/or if i had rhesus C antibodies and/or my baby didnt change position (she is lying very very low).

my first pregnancy went ok til 37 weeks, then i developed a high blood pressure and i got induced at 39+5. induction itself went really bad, as the team that day had a no-brain day and did everything wrong. my baby came out half dead (apgar of 1) and had to stay int he nicu for 4 days.

so far my bp is ok, and 85 is not really considered high..
as of the GTT, my blood sugar is normally ok, i however had PCOS and that gives misleading results on the GTT, as i normally would not take that much sugar and my body has issues breaking it up in their timeframe but it is not high to be considered diabetes. but high enough for them to send to the high risk unit.

as for rhesus C antibodies... no other country but holland checks for them. so i cant imagine it be so serious..

i feel like they just want to dump me to someone else as i might give them too much trouble...

can anyone relate to that? any stories?
Sorry you are feeling passed about. I am in Scotland and I am a high risk pregnancy. Epilepsy, high BMI, previous section and big babies!! I normally have low blood pressure 90/60 but this time around my bp has gone up as high as 130/88 and they were not concerned about that. When you say 85 for BP what do you mean? Sorry if Im sounding clueless lol? Try not to worry too much Im sure that you will receive the best possible care that is needed at the time. I do understand your worried though, I like to have some sort of plan in place and I wouldnt be best pleased about it changing last minute as it makes you feel very on edge.
Sorry i cant be of much help but do try and relax and enjoy as much of your pregnancy as you can xxx
Sorry you are feeling passed about. I am in Scotland and I am a high risk pregnancy. Epilepsy, high BMI, previous section and big babies!! I normally have low blood pressure 90/60 but this time around my bp has gone up as high as 130/88 and they were not concerned about that. When you say 85 for BP what do you mean? Sorry if Im sounding clueless lol? Try not to worry too much Im sure that you will receive the best possible care that is needed at the time. I do understand your worried though, I like to have some sort of plan in place and I wouldnt be best pleased about it changing last minute as it makes you feel very on edge.
Sorry i cant be of much help but do try and relax and enjoy as much of your pregnancy as you can xxx

thank you for replying!
85 as in 120/85 for example. last time i had 120/80 and they told me that if it goes as high as 85 they would send me.
i was happy cos my BP was behaving, 80 was the highest i had so far.
i feel a bit down, and the moment they transfer me i can say bye-bye to any plan as the hospital team will take charge and u cant say anything anymore...
130-140/80-90 is border high. I had severe pre e in labour with son so was watched closly second preg an put on meds after con noticed was high weras mw was tht fussed as my bookin was 140 odd/80-90odd. My doc sent me few times too unit due bp. I was eventually put on meds at 30 odd weeks. I am 14 weeks with third an classed as red pathway my unit norm does green pathway, am this due too bein on anti depressants an prev high bp. I bought home monitor 2weeks ago and in last few days had 3 high readins. One was 145/125 an to bottom num was 112. I havent had bp checked by doc/mw since was 5-6 weeks. I see consultant for firstt apoint on tue an they do bp then an ill find out plan.
oh i get you now sorrylol. You still have a moderate say in what happens with a hospital team...at the end of the day they cant say for exapmle...force you to stay flat on your back on the bed to get monitored etc etc. xx
I dont want to get a high risk pregnancy. I want it to be normal. Please pray for me.
I dont want to get a high risk pregnancy. I want it to be normal. Please pray for me.

ill pray for you as i myself dont want probs this preg like my other 2. We dnt want be put bigger hosp 2.5 hrs away. Have first consult apoint tmoz so hope get better idea if can change my pathway from red to amber/green.
Hi, I don't know how it works in Dutch hospitals but within safety reasoning I expect there to be some wriggle room for negotiation. I'm high risk. With my son I was followed by my local midwives, my local consultant, a team of haematologists and another consultant in London. Still, I think I had wonderful support and care and my planned section was a breeze. Truly, the best day of my life :D
I even had skin to skin during the operation, music and my son breastfed within the first hour.

If you've had problems before I can imagine that your local team are a bit nervous about you. They'd rather have you seen somewhere where they have all the necessary backup. That doesn't mean something will go wrong or that you can't give birth how you want (ok, I suppose a homebirth is out of the question). Just keep asking questions and explain what you are hoping to get from the experience.

Good luck with everything!
dont worry too much about being classed high risk hun.

I'm classed as high risk and am dealt with by both my local midwife team and the team at the hospital. It means i am watched more closely which i can only see as a good thing. The only thing i cant do is have a home birth.. maybe you will have the same options hun..

Im high risk due to prev section/ high BMI/ BP that doesnt behave/ liver problems in last preg/ ds1 was very small for gestation. I am on low dose aspirin already to make sure baby gets a decent blood flow. xx
Hi all...
I had DD in 2012 at 37 weeks (by induction)... borderline high BP throughout pregnancy but always came down towards the end of the appointment and normal at home. I had to stay overnight in the hospital for a 24 hour urine protein, had 1 day at home, and the next day induced for preeclampsia. Lucky that it waited that long. I am also "prediabetic" with untreated PCOS being the main factor. Only my morning fasting BG is out of the range from where the want it.

This time around... I'm 6+2. I have an ultrasound and clerk appointment scheduled for 8/13, I'll see the perinatologist 3 weeks after that. We've already had a consult on the phone highlighting the following:

Blood Pressure: if it spikes and stays elevated I'll be using a cuff at home again and will also be put on hypertension medication. If my blood pressure is above normal, they'll plan an induction for 39 weeks.

Blood Glucose: labeled as Pre-diabetic and with the PCOS, they started me on metformin, 500mg XR at night. I e-mail the diabetes educator tomorrow with my numbers and we'll adjust from there. Unfortunately my fasting is always above 114. =\ If we can't get my fasting glucose where the want it, I'll have to start insulin. Also another ticket for the 39 week indcution.

Preeclampsia: I have an increased risk (5% more) to have preeclampsia return. After week 12 I'll be started on a daily dose of baby aspirin to help reduce the chances of recurrence. They said if it does return, hopefully it'll hold out until I'm at term again.

My weight: Is also another factor. I haven't been able to keep my weight under control since I started having PCOS symptoms years ago but was never tested or treated.

I'll be able to see my regular OB but if something comes up I'll be bumped over to perinatology, however, either way they'll be following my pregnancy. Growth checks. NST starting at 34 weeks. Long conversation with them but they seem really positive with answers to everything.

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