Hiya all, I'm a newbie looking for advice please


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Hiya all I am new here so please bear with me as I explain things......

I am 38 and my hubby and I have been ttc for approx 17/18 months now. I had a Mirena coil removed and my periods returned withing about 6/7 weeks, my cycles then became regular and with normal periods etc...

After a while of nothing happening I was sent for a few tests (bloods hormones etc scan on tubes) everything was ok with me, but hubbys SA was low, we were referred to a gyne at this point, this was 9 months ago.

During this time under the gyne we saw different consultants only once did we see the same person! they often had to go over the notes and we found they gave conflicting advice too!

Another SA test for my hubby saw it improve greatly, still not 'normal' or above but they said this was not a problem as what he was producing was really good, so a positive.

I was sent for more tests ( scan on ovaries uterus etc) this also came back all well and good and completely healthy, the lady scanning also saw some follicles.

I was put on Clomid 50g, first month day 21 results was 98, I was sooo hopeful... but some time later than normal my period came.. :shrug: The next gyne visit I was put on Metformin too, ( I am told I am overweight and need to loose some more to lower my BMI) I had terrible side effects from them at first but stuck to them and rode through it.

2nd and 3rd months and the day 21 results were 1 and 5! but, my cycle length was pretty much double the normal for me so I figured this can't have been a 'true' progesterone reading.... the gyne when I asked this just said I hadn't ovulated ... and didn't listen when I tried to explain how long the cycle length was! However another gyne said this would def have an impact on the results!

I was then given double Clomid to take, and advised to take ovulation tests too, but not to go for a progesterone test on day 21 for this 1st time on double clomid, I did the ovulation test and it read a clear positive on one day, to be sure I bought another more expensive test and it too read positive... :thumbup:

Period came, as it did the next cycle too, ( getting closer to the 'normal' length now) and the next - with clear ovulation positives and the last day 21 test a great 58, so when I got my period as you can imagine I felt really disappointed.

The last gyne visit after a wait of almost an hour and a half later than our appointment we were told it was an 'unexplained' infertility, however, the one thing the did say about was my weight..... Now yes, I may be a bit overweight but I am fit, healthy and by no means obese! My hubby was not impressed at all, saying that it would seem is the only thing they have to say to us!

They don't do follicle scans there and I asked if there was any way of finding out if there was a problem with my eggs, but they didn't have any answers, just that because I am ovulating ( except for the 2 occasions when they say I didn't) I should be ok. There was no real answer to so many questions we had....

I feel like it's been months of drugs and side effects for nothing... no real answers advice or help... :nope:

My hubby said he wanted to go private but we were astounded by the costs! :shock:

I just don't know where to go from here.... I have heard about acupuncture / herbal - wondered if anyone has tried this?

If you are still with me and have any thoughts or advice I'd love to hear, thanks for listening :flower:
Not really any advice, but I can commiserate.

TTC stinks, and infertility is exasperating.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm so sorry you're getting such vague and conflicting explanations. I'm sure someone on this site with more experience will be able to help. I've heard acupuncture is helpful but I have no personal experience.

Wow, you really have been through it...do you temp?:hugs:
Just also want to add hubby has 2 children from a previous relationship.
Hiya all I am new here so please bear with me as I explain things......

I am 38 and my hubby and I have been ttc for approx 17/18 months now. I had a Mirena coil removed and my periods returned withing about 6/7 weeks, my cycles then became regular and with normal periods etc...

After a while of nothing happening I was sent for a few tests (bloods hormones etc scan on tubes) everything was ok with me, but hubbys SA was low, we were referred to a gyne at this point, this was 9 months ago.

During this time under the gyne we saw different consultants only once did we see the same person! they often had to go over the notes and we found they gave conflicting advice too!

Another SA test for my hubby saw it improve greatly, still not 'normal' or above but they said this was not a problem as what he was producing was really good, so a positive.

I was sent for more tests ( scan on ovaries uterus etc) this also came back all well and good and completely healthy, the lady scanning also saw some follicles.

I was put on Clomid 50g, first month day 21 results was 98, I was sooo hopeful... but some time later than normal my period came.. :shrug: The next gyne visit I was put on Metformin too, ( I am told I am overweight and need to loose some more to lower my BMI) I had terrible side effects from them at first but stuck to them and rode through it.

2nd and 3rd months and the day 21 results were 1 and 5! but, my cycle length was pretty much double the normal for me so I figured this can't have been a 'true' progesterone reading.... the gyne when I asked this just said I hadn't ovulated ... and didn't listen when I tried to explain how long the cycle length was! However another gyne said this would def have an impact on the results!

I was then given double Clomid to take, and advised to take ovulation tests too, but not to go for a progesterone test on day 21 for this 1st time on double clomid, I did the ovulation test and it read a clear positive on one day, to be sure I bought another more expensive test and it too read positive... :thumbup:

Period came, as it did the next cycle too, ( getting closer to the 'normal' length now) and the next - with clear ovulation positives and the last day 21 test a great 58, so when I got my period as you can imagine I felt really disappointed.

The last gyne visit after a wait of almost an hour and a half later than our appointment we were told it was an 'unexplained' infertility, however, the one thing the did say about was my weight..... Now yes, I may be a bit overweight but I am fit, healthy and by no means obese! My hubby was not impressed at all, saying that it would seem is the only thing they have to say to us!

They don't do follicle scans there and I asked if there was any way of finding out if there was a problem with my eggs, but they didn't have any answers, just that because I am ovulating ( except for the 2 occasions when they say I didn't) I should be ok. There was no real answer to so many questions we had....

I feel like it's been months of drugs and side effects for nothing... no real answers advice or help... :nope:

My hubby said he wanted to go private but we were astounded by the costs! :shock:

I just don't know where to go from here.... I have heard about acupuncture / herbal - wondered if anyone has tried this?

If you are still with me and have any thoughts or advice I'd love to hear, thanks for listening :flower:

Hi :hugs: sorry I haven't got much advice either but I would say to definitely research as much as you can (trusted websites) and use the info to take control of what happens to you. Eg my fertility specialist didnt mention certain things until I raised them - not sure if he was too busy (he certainly gave that impression) or cost was an issue. I'm just 39 (TTC #2) and he seemed very keen to point me towards private treatment but when pushed he did say that Clomid type drugs would probably help me, they just would be slower. He also didn't discuss my cycle at all and I have some possible endometriosis symptoms which could obviously affect my fertility if it is the case...so I'm seeing my GP next week when I'll have up to date bloods and SA and will also mention the endo symptoms.
Sorry I have gone off the point a bit but just inform yourself as much as you can and use it positively (ie don't let it worry you).
Re private treatments yes they are expensive but it is worth looking into at least some initial tests as they seem to be more comprehensive than the NHS ones (I'm no expert on this so do check with other more knowledgeable people on here!). We haven't even decided if we'll do any private tests or treatment if we get nowhere when I see my GP
Good luck :thumbup:
Wow, you really have been through it...do you temp?:hugs:

Hiya thanks for your reply, No haven't ever, from what I have read I think it could be awkward due to my working hours etc? Not sure though?

I did mention it to one gyne, but this was the one who said I shouldn't even bother with the ovulation tests as they were no use! ( Yet the gyne I saw the time before was the one who said due to the tablets putting my cycle lengths all over the place I need to take them! )

I also found taking clomid dried me up and although on the last 2 cycles I did have the 'ovulation discharge' which prior to taking any of the fertility drugs I had on every cycle!

Also, tests prior to being referred to a gyne, My Dr said that the tests concluded I was ovulating fine!
Clomid dried me out too...lovely side effect.:haha::growlmad:

Well, I sort of understand what your docs are saying about the temps and testing, but I would be curious to know when you OV, or some of the testing might be off.:hugs:
Hi :hugs: sorry I haven't got much advice either but I would say to definitely research as much as you can (trusted websites) and use the info to take control of what happens to you. Eg my fertility specialist didnt mention certain things until I raised them - not sure if he was too busy (he certainly gave that impression) or cost was an issue. I'm just 39 (TTC #2) and he seemed very keen to point me towards private treatment but when pushed he did say that Clomid type drugs would probably help me, they just would be slower. He also didn't discuss my cycle at all and I have some possible endometriosis symptoms which could obviously affect my fertility if it is the case...so I'm seeing my GP next week when I'll have up to date bloods and SA and will also mention the endo symptoms.
Sorry I have gone off the point a bit but just inform yourself as much as you can and use it positively (ie don't let it worry you).
Re private treatments yes they are expensive but it is worth looking into at least some initial tests as they seem to be more comprehensive than the NHS ones (I'm no expert on this so do check with other more knowledgeable people on here!). We haven't even decided if we'll do any private tests or treatment if we get nowhere when I see my GP
Good luck :thumbup:

Hiya thanks so much for your reply :flower:

I have tried to research as much as possible - but to be honest I even found some on line info conflicting and confusing (where to you advise to go for 'best' info?) - I did ask questions though, but we were made to feel like we were taking up valuable time... and we really didn't get the answers to the questions we did ask! It was all just so vague.

When we were given the clomid I was just told to "take these tablets, once a day from day 2 of my period for 5 days" - that was it, no info on them, no info on side effects ... I just looked it all up when we got home! Wasn't even told about taking pregnancy tests in between.

When given the Metformin again I was told very little - just I'd most possibly have side effects from them.

Like you, until I raised questions and thoughts nothing was really said! Not good is it... Are you seen privately or through the NHS?

Good luck to you too when you go to see your GP, and with sorting out if you do have endometriosis, I really hope you can get sorted too. :hugs:

Thanks again xxx
Clomid dried me out too...lovely side effect.:haha::growlmad:

Well, I sort of understand what your docs are saying about the temps and testing, but I would be curious to know when you OV, or some of the testing might be off.:hugs:

LOL that made me laugh... No, drying out not a good thing! :haha:

As for when I ovulated it was agreed a couple of the gyne's that my day 21 progesterone tests were not to be taken as correct when my cycle was weeks later than normal, however, when my cycle was closer to normal then they would be pretty much ok - I was always 26-28 days - I am back to around 30 / 32 days.

Since taking the ovulation tests I seem to ovulate according to them around the same time and this was also correct with the day 21 progesterone tests.

I have no idea how my body will react again now if I'm not taking clomid again and still not heard from gyne's Sec to know if I should stop the metformin or not!

Is the met for PCOS?

I have no idea what it is for exactly... They said i am overweight - I wondered if it was due to this?

I have been told I do not have PCOS... all tests came back fine and we have 'unexplained infertility.... :shrug:
I would definitely take all of your records and get a second opinion asap. Good luck.
Hmmmm...I have only heard of met for insulin resistance or some sort, but I certainly not a doctor.:flower:
Good grief they really have been giving you the run around! I am seeing a private Dr because I´m in Spain and all state funding has been cut here. My Dr said they don´t do 21 day tests anymore because they had been proved unhelpful. But she didn´t say why.
I go for acupuncture when I can afford it, it certainly helped me stress less and I believe it regulates hormones well and helps get you into the best health possible for trying, more than that I don´t know, hasn´t worked yet, but then I can´t do it every week right now. Besides OH won´t have it and it is his low SA which might be our problem. Have you asked what fertility treatments you would be untitled to on the NHS? If they are going with unexplained then IUI might be a good idea if they offer it.
I really hope you find someone soon who can offer you some clear and helpful advise...or that you get your BFP soon and don´t need it!
I would definitely take all of your records and get a second opinion asap. Good luck.

I think, after readying the responses here I am going to go back to my GP and ask her where I go from here, see if we can get another referral to another hospital or if we have no choice but to go private. My hubby pretty much told the gyne that we have been seeing he's no help we will be looking elsewhere so I figure that's that with them now anyway.... Not that they helped in any way sadly...
Hmmmm...I have only heard of met for insulin resistance or some sort, but I certainly not a doctor.:flower:

I have heard it has been used in conjunction with clomid - just through looking at info on net - But the Gyne didn't explain exactly what the clomid or the Metformin were for, I only know what i have looked into, I haven't ever had diabetes and wasn't ever checked out for it either, just told to start taking them...
Typically, the CMD is for OV and the met is for insulin resistance.:flower: They are not always prescribed together...:hugs:
Good grief they really have been giving you the run around! I am seeing a private Dr because I´m in Spain and all state funding has been cut here. My Dr said they don´t do 21 day tests anymore because they had been proved unhelpful. But she didn´t say why.
I go for acupuncture when I can afford it, it certainly helped me stress less and I believe it regulates hormones well and helps get you into the best health possible for trying, more than that I don´t know, hasn´t worked yet, but then I can´t do it every week right now. Besides OH won´t have it and it is his low SA which might be our problem. Have you asked what fertility treatments you would be untitled to on the NHS? If they are going with unexplained then IUI might be a good idea if they offer it.
I really hope you find someone soon who can offer you some clear and helpful advise...or that you get your BFP soon and don´t need it!

Hiya Natsby, thanks for your reply.
Interesting in Spain they don't do the 21 day tests anymore...

You have made me more curious about acupuncture, I will look into that more this weekend, I have no idea what that costs, is it recommended that both go for this? Not sure my hubby will be keen?

How are you getting on in Spain being treated privately?

I do not know what we are entitled to on the NHS, but as my hubby has children from a previous relationship ( That he does not see because his ex is horrid ) I don't think IVF will be free.

I have no idea what IUI is, this was never mentioned to us - I am running blind with it all to be honest and no idea what to look at next?

I *think* what they have said is we have 2ndry unexplained infertility - I guess 2ndry means because we have had tablets, and this was the next step up from trying naturally... The whole thing feels so confusing .... :confused:

Secondary means you have had a child already and have issues now.

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