Hi all! glitterbug- I hope Dr. gives you OK soon! My best friend recently had a MC at 10 weeks, I am so sorry you are goign through this. Her dr said they could start trying once she had her first

visit. Turns out that was the day before mine showed. How nuts would it be if we were preggers together and due at the same time!?!?!
Well, I am temping for the first time this month and according to FF I OV'ed on CD 13 (last Saturday). Last Saturday was the only day this month I got a + on the OPK. I thought the OPKs were to give you a few day warning, but apparently not for my body! So maybe for me the OPKs only get + when I am OVing. I consulted with the ladies over in Chart Stalkers, and the agree that CD 13 was my OV day. (last month, I got + OPKs on CD 13 and 14) So if this month doesn't work out for me.. At least I know to

a bit more a bit earlier next month! I think I like the insight temping is giving me. OH's alarm goes off at 5:45 every morning, so I just temp then and suck it up on the weekends!
Hope the rest of you are having a good day!