Hy girlies! Looks like there are some very positive pregnancy signs floating around here already!!
I don't really have anything much to speak of but I will list for laughs!
I have very slightly tender bbs (not as bad as normal pre AF)
I had a brownish spotting thing yesterday (not due on til next tues/wed)
I got absolutely knackered doing circuit training, hadn't even got through the warm up! (prob just unfit!)
Nasty headache on Sunday evening (could've been stress) i usually get this a couple of days prior to AF
Had a couple of vivid and strange dreams. None last night though.
No cramps, no veiny bbs, no sore nips, hardly any cm, don't need to pee more and I don't feel sick!
Boohiss I think she might just get me again next week!!!

Best of luck and baby dust to all!!