Hoping for #2, 13 cycles and counting, Young Mommies CD & irregular. Buddy wanted.


Mom of 1 TTC #2
Sep 8, 2013
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Hi. Buddies wanted!

I am 24 years old, with a 3 year old DS. Been working on #2 for 13 cycles now. I have really irregular cycles, with lots of LONG ones (some 40+ days). Currently on CD 6 as of September 8th 2013. Newbie to site technically, although I have been scouring threads in late night google frenzies for quite some time.

Looking for buddies who are close in cycle or who can relate to my situation on ANY level, maybe young ladies, TTC #2, for a year or more, or with irregular/crazy cycles.

Just looking for some friends, support, and like-minded or those with similar situations. Baby dust to all!

I'm also a young mother of a DS - 4yrs old.

Im 22yrs old. TTC for 6 months, still not sure on how many day cyle i am, last two were 29 days and 27 days.

Hope we can be TTC buddies. Feel like I'm going crazy, as my DS wasn't planned and this is my first time TTC.

Good luck*
I'd love to be buddies. Seems like we have a lot in common.

My little guy wasn't planned either, although we didn't do any kind of prevention and didnt concieve for 5 years. This is my first time actively TTC too. I just started temping and charting regularly, although I've been tracking my cycle dates and trying to time :sex: right since my IUD was removed in August 2012. Do you temp or chart or anything?

I know what you mean about feeling like your going crazy, I feel that way too.

Good luck to you too!
I tried the temp thing for about half a cycle and it confused me, so I only use opk's (actually just started this cycle and ordered some more online for incase lol). I do check cp and cm, but don't know if its diffrent for everyone, because my opk gave me a pos this cycle but I never get complete EWCM.

My DS was from a previous relationship, I was in school and irresponsable. But I wouldnt have it any other way, he is such a blessing. My dh is raising him as his own now.

The age gap is starting to bother me, he'll be 5 in Feb 2014.:cry:

I feel like we have tried everything (naturally) this cycle, we bd CD 9-13, sometimes twice a day :blush: with O day I think on cd12/13. Afterwords lying butt tilted upwords :haha: drinking my vites everyday.

Seems like we caught each other on two threads now :winkwink:
Yep. 2 threads in common now. :winkwink:

I like temping because it helps me figure out if/when I ovulated. I have really irregular cycles and I just never know whats going on with my body.

It's so great the DH is there for your son. He must be a really great guy. As for the age gap, my hubby is 5 years younger than his older brother and they are still really close, and their older sister is 5 years older than the middle brother, and as adults they are close with her too. I always wished I had an older sibling, though I do understand wanting your little ones to be close. My DS is 3 and if we conceive in the next few cycles they will be around 4 years apart, and I'm starting to get antsy about the gap. I am also hoping to get pregnant and have a newborn before I finish my bachelors degree. I do online classes and stay home with DS, and I have about 2 and half more years to go. I will have to go back to work to start paying on loans if I don't decide to go for a Masters or if I can't defer payments for a while, and I want to stay home with #2 as long as possible, just like I have with DS.

I am totally bumming out right now. I just started seriously bleeding, AF is here with a vengeance and after only a 6/7 day luteal phase. Totally not good at all.:nope: I do have a big paper due for a literature class next week, so at least I can stop obsessing about this cycle/symptom spotting and maybe focus on getting some work done on that. I think I'll take tonight to feel blue, relax and watch some crap tv, eat some junkfood and then get busy tomorrow.
Aw.. We have more in common that we thought.

I, too am busy with my bachelors degree in law, hopefully I'll be finished in May/June 2014. Which means if I got preggo this or the next cycle baby will be born just after that. I also have exams starting 29 Oct - 21 Nov, so hopefully I won't obsess so much then or better yet I'll be preggo by then. I also think I'm out for this cycle, I'm 12dpo and got a BFN. Think AF will arrive in 2-3 days. I hope you got all your blues out that night and that you are fresh for the new cycle. Hopeful that this will be your month. DH is really a great guy and he and his brother and sister too are 5yrs apart, he is the middle child. I think 4 yrs are still oky, my brother is 4yrs older than me and we have a great relationship. Sorry I've been so quiet, it was a holiday-day here and I wasn't at work. When do you temp? before you get out of bed?
Aw.. We have more in common that we thought.

I, too am busy with my bachelors degree in law, hopefully I'll be finished in May/June 2014. Which means if I got preggo this or the next cycle baby will be born just after that. I also have exams starting 29 Oct - 21 Nov, so hopefully I won't obsess so much then or better yet I'll be preggo by then. I also think I'm out for this cycle, I'm 12dpo and got a BFN. Think AF will arrive in 2-3 days. I hope you got all your blues out that night and that you are fresh for the new cycle. Hopeful that this will be your month. DH is really a great guy and he and his brother and sister too are 5yrs apart, he is the middle child. I think 4 yrs are still oky, my brother is 4yrs older than me and we have a great relationship. Sorry I've been so quiet, it was a holiday-day here and I wasn't at work. When do you temp? before you get out of bed?

Good Luck on your exams! I really hope you can keep the stress and obsessing at bay or that your pregnant prior to your tests, I know cramming all the knowledge in your head from school is already a big enough task without constantly being obsessed with TTC.

I really did get all my blues out, and feel pretty good at this point. I hope this cycle I'll see a :bfp: but I'm going to try some b6 and vitex and try to help regulate my cycle and hormones, and discuss over the counter progesterone cream when I go in to get my thyroid checked in a few weeks, and feel confident that even if it takes a few months that once my body straightens out a bit I'll have better luck conceiving.

Yes, I temp before I get out of bed in the morning, most days. I know that's whats supposed to give you the most accurate reading but on days I am afraid the beep of the thermometer will wake up hubby or DS (he still cosleeps with us sometimes) I'll take a couple steps into the bathroom and temp in there instead of staying laying down. Mostly though, I just yank it out of the nightstand and take it right away out of habit.
Im so glad your feeling positive again. Fingers crossed that you will get your cycle regulated soon. After I got of the bc pill in March my hormones were crazy, I didn't get AF for 4 straight months, nothing. But still it hasn't stabilized on an exact day. Between 27-29 days, well today I'm on CD26 so we'll see on which cycle I'm this time around. Good luck to you too with your paper. Uuuug I'm so frustrated that it's taking so long, I really thought that if would have happend by now. I didn't want to be one of those women obsessing as sceduling bd. I'm going to try to take it as it comes this cycle, "when you don't obsess it will happen" - its true, but I don't like those words lol. Still keeping FX for us.

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