Hi girls 
A quick pre history.
I have two boys from previous relationship. No problems TTC. Actually, both times first planned time.
After that, had a removal of my right ovary and tubes (cyst).
Regular periods after that, but had an IUD.
Then met my current partner. He has a son from a previous relationship, BUT, he was born after 12 years!! of IVFs.
My current partner has (had) a very very low sperm count (when he was last tested, it was 2 millions).
We decided, we want a baby. So have been trying for over a year, with no results. There was one cycle, when I had a few dodgy positive tests, but a week later my period started... So I don't know what to think (even if I were pregnant, it was not meant to be).
So, now, we decided just not to hope so much. IVF is not an option, and we can not even apply to sponsorship for it, as both of us have kids from previous relationships...
What does pisses me off... There are some cycles, when, before my period is due, I have all the pregnancy symptoms.
Nausea, tiredness, dizziness, tender boobs...
But. I am never late (except that time).
BUT. This cycle. I was due yesterday. On the 14.03. But, there is no usual sign of the period. No tender breasts, no tummy pain...
What I DO have - NAUSEA. Big time. After eating. And in the car. Feeling bleeeeh.
Done pregnancy test - negative.
Do you think my hormones might be out of balance? If so, which ones should I check?
(I eat well, am not overly overweight, lead healthy and active lifestyle).
I just find it is so CRUEL of my body, to make me feel like this...

A quick pre history.
I have two boys from previous relationship. No problems TTC. Actually, both times first planned time.
After that, had a removal of my right ovary and tubes (cyst).
Regular periods after that, but had an IUD.
Then met my current partner. He has a son from a previous relationship, BUT, he was born after 12 years!! of IVFs.
My current partner has (had) a very very low sperm count (when he was last tested, it was 2 millions).
We decided, we want a baby. So have been trying for over a year, with no results. There was one cycle, when I had a few dodgy positive tests, but a week later my period started... So I don't know what to think (even if I were pregnant, it was not meant to be).
So, now, we decided just not to hope so much. IVF is not an option, and we can not even apply to sponsorship for it, as both of us have kids from previous relationships...
What does pisses me off... There are some cycles, when, before my period is due, I have all the pregnancy symptoms.
Nausea, tiredness, dizziness, tender boobs...
But. I am never late (except that time).
BUT. This cycle. I was due yesterday. On the 14.03. But, there is no usual sign of the period. No tender breasts, no tummy pain...
What I DO have - NAUSEA. Big time. After eating. And in the car. Feeling bleeeeh.
Done pregnancy test - negative.
Do you think my hormones might be out of balance? If so, which ones should I check?
(I eat well, am not overly overweight, lead healthy and active lifestyle).
I just find it is so CRUEL of my body, to make me feel like this...