Horrible Dreams


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2007
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I've started having super horrible dreams that he's going to want the baby and that he's going to make my life hell. I'd call them nightmares but they're just really disturbing dreams that involve me trying to *get rid of him* :rofl:

Seriously though I'm starting to get nervous that he's had nothing to do with this so far, but that once she's born he's going to start to make my life pure hell and try to invade on our lives.

Its pretty bad when you wake up angry as hell because your stupid ex bf ruins your life even in your dreams :blush:
Dont worry rae, you have nothing to worry about. Canada likes to keep kids with their mothers (unfortunately for some kids because not all mothers are fit to have them).

I doubt he is going to try anything, especially now. He sounds like an immature twit. Maybe once he is older and grows up he will wish he could be a part of her life, but by then it will be too hard.

Dont worry... :hugs:
I agree with Ryder,he's way to incompetent to do anything of the sort...

You told me once already that there's no way any judge worthy of his degree will give him custody rights! And from what I know about Adam I couldn't agree more...:hugs:
I agree with Ryder,he's way to incompetent to do anything of the sort...

You told me once already that there's no way any judge worthy of his degree will give him custody rights! And from what I know about Adam I couldn't agree more...:hugs:

That is so true
Dont worry rae, you have nothing to worry about. Canada likes to keep kids with their mothers (unfortunately for some kids because not all mothers are fit to have them).

I doubt he is going to try anything, especially now. He sounds like an immature twit. Maybe once he is older and grows up he will wish he could be a part of her life, but by then it will be too hard.

Dont worry... :hugs:

Not quite so true anymore. Canada is getting more involved with the father's rights in terms of custody. I've been in that situation and joint custody was awarded for my daughter when OH and I were split up for 5 months.

However, Rae, they more than likely will not grant your ex custody. He's not been involved, he doesn't seem to give a shit, etc. Also, because you are not naming him on your LO's birth certificate, for some men, that's great because then they don't have to pay child support. For some reason, I think your ex is one that will be happy about that.

I honestly don't think your ex cares nor has a hope in hell. Hope you've been documenting everything too.
Dont worry rae, you have nothing to worry about. Canada likes to keep kids with their mothers (unfortunately for some kids because not all mothers are fit to have them).

I doubt he is going to try anything, especially now. He sounds like an immature twit. Maybe once he is older and grows up he will wish he could be a part of her life, but by then it will be too hard.

Dont worry... :hugs:

Not quite so true anymore. Canada is getting more involved with the father's rights in terms of custody. I've been in that situation and joint custody was awarded for my daughter when OH and I were split up for 5 months.

However, Rae, they more than likely will not grant your ex custody. He's not been involved, he doesn't seem to give a shit, etc. Also, because you are not naming him on your LO's birth certificate, for some men, that's great because then they don't have to pay child support. For some reason, I think your ex is one that will be happy about that.

I honestly don't think your ex cares nor has a hope in hell. Hope you've been documenting everything too.

Sorry, I beg to differ... Working for a C.A.S. foster home recently, It is quite disturbing how hard judges will try to keep children with mothers, unfit mothers. I've seen way too many little babies spend the first several years going back and forth bettween their mothers and their shit to this particular foster home. And I was advised of the entire histories of these children.

Maybe it is different in Alberta.

My point was that it is really unlikely that this ass will get full custordy or even part custody of rae's baby. So she should not worry.
Dont worry rae, you have nothing to worry about. Canada likes to keep kids with their mothers (unfortunately for some kids because not all mothers are fit to have them).

I doubt he is going to try anything, especially now. He sounds like an immature twit. Maybe once he is older and grows up he will wish he could be a part of her life, but by then it will be too hard.

Dont worry... :hugs:

Not quite so true anymore. Canada is getting more involved with the father's rights in terms of custody. I've been in that situation and joint custody was awarded for my daughter when OH and I were split up for 5 months.

However, Rae, they more than likely will not grant your ex custody. He's not been involved, he doesn't seem to give a shit, etc. Also, because you are not naming him on your LO's birth certificate, for some men, that's great because then they don't have to pay child support. For some reason, I think your ex is one that will be happy about that.

I honestly don't think your ex cares nor has a hope in hell. Hope you've been documenting everything too.

Sorry, I beg to differ... Working for a C.A.S. foster home recently, It is quite disturbing how hard judges will try to keep children with mothers, unfit mothers. I've seen way too many little babies spend the first several years going back and forth bettween their mothers and their shit to this particular foster home. And I was advised of the entire histories of these children.

Maybe it is different in Alberta.

My point was that it is really unlikely that this ass will get full custordy or even part custody of rae's baby. So she should not worry.

Maybe it is different in BC. :)

But I agree, I don't think Rae should worry. The farther her pregnancy has gone and her ex has not cared one iota, I don't think he'll care after either.
lol sorry, got it mixed up :D BC, not Alberta :D
Your ex is a jerk Rae, we both know he won't want anything to do with the LO but it's still normal to worry that he might start making demands once LO is here

My ex walks past us in the street yet I still fear the post coming in case he starts legal proceddings :(
If he starts shit I'm just telling him its not his and that I made a mistake and to go the hell away. Some people might not think thats not fair, but honestly...I'd rather him think I'm a slut who cheated on him than him come and ruin her life. He accused me of it enough anyway, he'll probably believe it. He'll have to prove paternity anyway, and if he does that I'm telling him that I'm taking him for every single bit of child support as I can get from him (just as a deterrance from proceeding). I don't trust him with a freaking gold fish, let alone my baby girl. He has a talent for making people's lives miserable, and I'm not letting him use my daughter for his benefit when he sees fit. Because that's the only time he'll come looking...when he thinks that being around her will benefit him in some way.

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