How can you tell ovulation with PCOS


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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Anyone else struggling to figure out when ovulation is with PCOS especially if the period is all over the place? Thanx
I have PCOS and I’m going to be honest…it’s hard. PCOS can cause lh surges whenever. LH strips can be helpful, but not 100% reliable. Temping is helpful to track patterns and cycles. It’s also helpful to see if it coincided with the lh strips. If my lh test is positive and is followed by a temp spike then I know there’s a chance I ovulated. I use fertility friend to track my cycle and Premom for scanning my strips. Unfortunately, the only I’ve known 100% for sure is when I’m doing medicated cycles.
Also, there are some new monitors out there now that can help test progesterone and other hormones to help track where you could be in your cycle, but they can be pricey.
I have PCOS and I’m going to be honest…it’s hard. PCOS can cause lh surges whenever. LH strips can be helpful, but not 100% reliable. Temping is helpful to track patterns and cycles. It’s also helpful to see if it coincided with the lh strips. If my lh test is positive and is followed by a temp spike then I know there’s a chance I ovulated. I use fertility friend to track my cycle and Premom for scanning my strips. Unfortunately, the only I’ve known 100% for sure is when I’m doing medicated cycles.
Also, there are some new monitors out there now that can help test progesterone and other hormones to help track where you could be in your cycle, but they can be pricey.
Thanx for that, very informative. I will sure look into that and do some research because I have no idea when I ovulate or if i even ovulate. Very confusing.
Agreed. I have pcos and it’s better when my weight is managed so I do consistently ovulate. I used opks and temping. I occasionally had false positives or short surges that didn’t lead to ovulation, so the temping was crucial for me to know. I’ll also say that using the clearblue advanced opks was a waste since I’d get flashing for weeks some cycles. Once I temped a few cycles, I had a consistent lp so that even on cycles where I didn’t track I could look back in hindsight and guess about when I ovulated based on my cycle length. As far as opks, for me I basically could only trust a surge that lasted more than a day and had the test line darker than the control for at least half a day.
I can't share personal experiences, but I frequently read from several sources. Myivfanswers offers many videos featuring top experts' recommendations. Here is one about PCOS and its management Hope this helps.

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