How did you decide??


Baby #2
Jan 14, 2009
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Hi Ladies

sorry and i know we are prob all in the same position but i just wondered how you all decided on having another csection or a natural birth??

I am 30 weeks tomorrow and with my DD i had an emergency c-section and trying to decide on what to do for this little on?

- Do i have a natural But could end up with another emergency section any way and then i will be stuck for help with DD who will only be 20 months old :nope:

- Do i have a natural birth and all go well and be up an about and back to normal pretty quick :)thumbup: prefered option at the mo)

- Do i have a planned section and at least i will know the date LO will arrive (selfish i know but still...) and if its planned i can arrange help with DD, house work and LO :shrug:

oh its so hard to decide. i am seeing the consultant at 36 week (so 6 weeks time) and see what they say, so far they have predicted that this little one is going to weigh more than DD so not sure what is going to be recommended as they have put on my notes for dd 'Failure to progress due to size' so i am guessing that she was to big for me!!

sorry for a bit of a ramble but just wanted everyones views and how they made the decision??
I'm currently in the same situation as you, but i'm only 15 weeks at the moment i have an appointment to see my consultant at 26 weeks because i had an emergency c-section with my DS due to failure to progress, my son had early dips in his heart rate, got well and truely stuck in my pelvis and was very distressed.
I've been doing some research on elective sections and VBAC deliveries and i'm finding it differcult top make a choice i'm leaning more towards an elective section purely due to what happened last time, but i think you need to think what happened with your last labour and why you had to have an emergency section and maybe doing some online research.
Hope you come to a decision :)
I'm currently in the same situation as you, but i'm only 15 weeks at the moment i have an appointment to see my consultant at 26 weeks because i had an emergency c-section with my DS due to failure to progress, my son had early dips in his heart rate, got well and truely stuck in my pelvis and was very distressed.
I've been doing some research on elective sections and VBAC deliveries and i'm finding it differcult top make a choice i'm leaning more towards an elective section purely due to what happened last time, but i think you need to think what happened with your last labour and why you had to have an emergency section and maybe doing some online research.
Hope you come to a decision :)

I know, with my dd my waters broke, had macomium (cant spell it, she had pooed) she was back to back and after 27 hours was stuck in my pelvis and only weigh 8lb 8oz and have predicted this lo is going to be 9lb 4oz, im just worried about what people will say if i tell them that i have gone for an elective section rather than try for natural...

I would love a natural birth but dont want to end up with the worry of another emcs being rushed to surgery etc.
The reason i'm leaning more towards a section is there is a risk of the same thing happening again and having to have a hectic emergency section, i want a nice calm birth where i won't be thinking like last time oh my god my baby almost died.
i work in an operating theatre and all the people i talk to about this nurses aswell think i should have an elective section, they said it's safer for me and baby and it surprised me that they said you can arrange care for my son (I thought i was the only one thinking about this)
i think im gunna speak to oh, mum and sis and put a plan of help together for if i end up with a section or if i have to have a emergency section! will also have to speak to midwife & consultant as got told at my 16 wk app that they dont like to induce u if u have had a previous section!! really confused and stuck with this!! x
Yeh i think you should speak to family in case things need to be arranged, i was also told about not being able to be induced due to risk of splitting open scar on uterus where past section was done
I decided on a natural birth, no meds or anything.
I was a week overdue, so I was induced! I went to the hospital on a Friday and by Sunday morning NOTHING had happened! I had only dilated 2cm! Later Sunday afternoon, my water finally broke by itself, Oliver turned inside my stomach and kicked me as hard as he could and it broke! After that I started getting horrible contractions about 5 hours later, I had not dilated, and Oliver's heart rate kept dropping! And he was started to get stressed and was losing oxygen! :cry: I know something was wrong, because the nurse kept coming in and kept telling me to move in a different position and would come in every couple minutes to check the baby!

Finally around 6 at night the doctor came in and told me that they needed to do an emergency c-section! :nope: I was so upset, because last time ANY of my family had a c-section the baby didn't make it. And the rest of my family had ALL of their kids through natural birth. :cry: They told me it was best for my baby if we did this and so I agreed to do it. but I just couldn't stop crying, I was just so scared! Around 6:30 I was getting prepped for the c-section. My mother went into the surgery with me, because my husband probably would have passed out. By 7:40pm Oliver was born! He was completely healthy nothing was wrong with him :thumbup: It was one of the scariest moments of my life! :cry:

All of my doctors recommend another c-section! Because they say its safer
For all those (including myself) that have had previous awful births, imagine what people would say if you went for a vaginal and then something bad happened to you or your baby or both! They would all say "you should have learnt from the 1st time" etc. But it seems if booking an elective C section, people all say "try for a natural it's so much better" etc

Cant win! I had two nasty births with big babies, now am having twins and SOOOOO torn what to do!
If VBAC was an option for me I'd take it. I've had 2 C-sections and my 3rd will also be a C-section. I feel like I missed out.

And by "not an option". I mean that it was much recommended that I have repeat C-sections. I have a unicornuate uterus. Which wasn't discovered until my first emergency C-section (went into labor at 34wks and baby was breech). The incision on my uterus had to be done vertically. Which means that the stress of natural birth has a much higher chance of bursting that seam. And the doc didn't think I could have birthed naturally anyways as there wasn't a "straight shot" out for the baby.

If I threw a stink they'd probably let me try VBAC. But I feel that in my situation it would be an unnecessary risk to myself and the baby.

You just have to consider your situation and the pros/cons. Good luck.

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