Hey ladies, I am not 35, I'm 24, but I was curious of something. My FOB was 34 when we found out and he has since turned 35. He's been a PITA about this pregnancy. This is his first child and it seems it's more shocking to him than what you'd expect from an adult man. How did your OH react? Did it take awhile to sink in? Was he just as scared as you'd think a teenage boy would be? My FOB has left a few times and come back, like he doesn't really want this and doesn't have a choice but I think he's also curious and feels like he knows he needs to help out with his son. If your OH did have a negative reaction, what made it better for them? Did they ever come around? It's like he was comfortable with his bachelorhood, and was the guy who's parents were asked 'when is your son ever gonna settle and have kids' and maybe he liked feeling free and now he feels controlled or something? Thanks!