Ladies, we've been diagnosed.... Male factor. morphology 4%. Count 22mil, motility 44%(last time 69%!!!!!? ). Problem is i went to the appointment by myself and now i need to tell him. I can't really think at the moment so any ideas are welcome.....
Hey Oneday. Nope nothing. FS simply doesn care. she been telling us that IVF is our only option even when we were unexplained. She didn't suggest anyting.asked if he smokes and if he's overweight...with the intent to tell us he shoud quit or loose weight. Well..unlucky for her she coudn't say much..we don't smoke, drink' take drugs, we are not overweight, we have an active lifestyle, and try to eat organic to the extent possible even if it is draining our finances. I just don't know what to do anymore.... Grow white wings and become an angel? She gave us another jar and told us if his count improves next time (13th of Jan) she'll consider giving me clomid(something she was reluctant to do b4).