How do you deal with it?????


Fiancé & mum to one
Nov 25, 2007
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I'm feeling so tired and nearly always got a funny tummy. I'm finding it really hard to keep coming into work! I was late this morning didn't get out of bed till 7:20 supposed to leave mine about 7:30-7:40!!

Thinking about asking work if I can work from home till it eases up a bit or seeing if I can change my hours. But I was wondering how everyone else has dealt with it???

Only bout 7/8 wks but my dodgy tummy and sickness along with my tiredness are really gettin to me.
i also found it really hard to work in the beginning i was also feeling sick
if you can work from home thats great!
some tricks i found was to eat often at work, get some air, and generally take it a bit easy -some of those things that i would have really stressed out about before i just let wash over me.
i know its a cliche but in time it does pass ( im still waiting..)

I am finding work quite hard, although my job is pretty easy, its a long day!

I feel sick throughout the day all day and i too find eating is the only way to help it! i have been and stocked up on low fat ginger bscuits and digestives
This probably sounds silly but I feel guilty for asking if I can sort something out to work from home. I guess because I'm not showing or you can't really tell other than my say so that I'm pregnant I feel kinda guilty.

I know it's early days but it's the icky tummy that's been keeping me up or waking me up early hours that's why I'm so tired! I'm the sort of person who needs my sleep and for me to be kept up or woken up makes me a very grumpy tired person!!

hang on in there...if you're 8 weeks then you should just have another 4 or so to go and then we'll be feeling marvelous...least that's what they tell me!..and thats what I'm hoping for!

Every day is different for me. Some I'm more sick than others. But every day I'm exhausted. Maybe take a day or two off sick, sleep and recharge your batteries. Then start counting down the days till we're blooming!!
This time will pass really quickly, I have to just get on with it, my two kids wake me up at 6am, so there is no chance of a lie in here.

With two kids to sort out I cant just take a day off unfortunately.
I am looking forward to second trimester, but you have to try and enjoy every minute, even when you are chucking up. It is a wonderful experience that some never get the opportunity to enjoy, each day is another day closer to seeing your gorgeous baby. You will get there, chin up, and dont fret about taking the odd day off, you have a chance to rest, so take the opportunity.
I don't get paid for days I take off sick and I can't afford to do that, that's why I'm thinking about asking if I can work from home a couple days a week but still feel guilty about doing it.

I'm just hoping like you say it stops in another 4/5 wks ish!!
no sick pay? Thats a shame...yes do ask - you've got to think abotu yourself at times like this! Every ounce of energy counts!
I know how you feel. For my job, I travel all over the Midlands and parts of Wales visiting care homes to do eye tests. Some days I can drive over 200 miles. It was tiring when I wasn't expecting, but now it's a living hell!!

I also don't get paid for days off sick, but have taken yesterday and today off as I have been feeling so grotty. At the end of the day, my health has to come first. I can't really afford to do it, but if I didn't I would be really poorly I'm sure.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to handle the morning sickness and tiredness plus the stress of my new job. DH and I finally decided that it was better for me to quit the job and do temp work when possible because it was really affecting my (and I'm sure the baby's) health.
All I can say is you're number one and two there with your baby.

I am 5 weeks and had to tell my boss that I can't come in today as the doctor has told me to put my feet up and rest. He's not happy because I'm the only one who is in my department but me and my baby are more important than work. Financially it can be a pain but you have to weigh up the pros and cons. The possibilities.
My jobs not really stressfull (well most of the time) and I can't afford to not work as I'm still living in my flat and can't leave my flat mate yet. I really can't afford to take time off sick but I can't carry on like this I'm practically falling asleep at my desk first thing in the morning and by the time it's time for me to go home I feel like I've been asleep for an hour!

Guess I'll just have to try and sort out something with work, I don't want to let them down and I can't afford to not earn.

Cant really offer any advice that will help but I am thinking of you & hope you feel better soon. Sending you lots of :hugs: xx
Hi Moulder, have you found any remedies to help ease your tummy? If you wake up earlier it may help as your body can adjust, lay in bed for a while sitting up, drink a bit of water, eat a few crackers maybe. Also foods with ginger help a lot. I had terrible morning sickness and my doc was able to prescribe me something so that I could manage at work, and the tablets were quite safe for lil one.
I'm finding that my worst "morning sickness" actually tends to come in the evening. That said, I drink lots of ginger ale, and days i'm feeling particularly icky (like today) I have some ginger tea that I can sip on that helps my tummy quite a bit.
ask your doctor to prescribe you some anti-nausea medication. you will feel the difference instantly.
I used to have to get up an hour and a half earlier when I worked in my first pergnancy just to get myself together and feeling a bit human, as I always felt so rough when I first got up, and literally fall into bed when I got home.......not a good life, but I ended up packing up work early in the end.
I don't know your work schedule or anything, but try going to bed earlier than usual. If your tummy is bothering you (and you're not alone in this), try drinking ginger ale, sprite or 7 up. Sprite has been my best friend (before prego I hardly ever drank pop) but it eases my belly. If your employer will let you work from home, I would take them up on that offer. I feel pretty sluggish on most days, but I have to work. I'm at a desk job so I have it easier than most people. Try taking naps, going to bed earlier and drinking ginger ale to calm your tummy. Hang in there and I hope you get to feeling better. Some days are better than others.

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