It's hard! A constant juggling act. My LO is almost 9 months and has been in daycare since 4 months old - that's when I went back to work.
I live in the Caribbean and work 2 minutes from where I live.. but generally I get up for the day at 6:30 am - pack lunches for LO and DD, have breakfast, and get DD and LO ready for school. At 8:10 am I drop LO and DD to school and then come back and get ready for my job at 9 am (which is 2 minutes from my home, thankfully!).
9 am-5:30 pm - work, then pick up DD and LO
5:35 pm - home with DD, LO and DH. Feeding, homework, bathing etc - till 9 pm (children's bedtime). DH cooks dinner.
9-11 pm - these are the only 2 hours I really get for myself! Usually I'm so tired that I crash on the couch, maybe surf the Internet, watch a TV show etc. I sometimes use these hours to fold laundry, do a bit of cleaning, or personal/work things that need to get done.
In our house, DH does the cooking and I do most of the childcare and also the cleaning (very unbalanced, really..

There is never enough time on the weekends. I used to try to clean on the weekends but it impossible with the 2 children at home, and I found that all of my time was being eaten up by housework and not enough time doing fun stuff.
So now I try to build in relaxing things (going to the beach, going for icecream, church, etc), and I concentrate on getting 2 major household things done on the weekend 1) Laundry 2) Braiding DD's hair for the schoolweek
I shifted the cleaning to two weekdays. On Monday, I clean 1/2 of the house, and on Tuesday I clean the 2nd half. I found that it was easier to divide the cleaning into two sections, rather than do everything one time in 3 hours.
Minor shopping gets done on weekdays after work. Major shopping at the end of the month.
I find it's very stressful being a working mother. I feel like I'm constantly going....and that's there no spare time for anything much, really.

For now, LO is on Gerber foods but I really should be pureeing home-cooked meals for him. Not sure where I will fit that in- maybe on weekends.