How I came out to the daddy and my mother


Mummy to a rainbow boy
May 19, 2013
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As I said in my intro post, my baby daddy was there the morning when I took my test. His reaction was not what I expected, to say the least. I thought he would flip out, deny it was his. However he did the exact opposite, he took my face in his hands, kissed me and with tears in his eyes he said "Congratulations mummy". It was possibly the happiest moment of my entire life. On the morning of my 17th birthday, to boot. :winkwink:
I told my mother about three days before I took a test. I had my suspicions and she was really disappointed. She really doesn't like my baby daddy because of previous issues he and I had... When I came out and told her that the test had come back positive, she surprised me as well. She was just as happy as I am. I've seen her today and she keeps rubbing and talking to my belly, it's too cute.
My father doesn't know and I don't plan on telling him for a little while yet. He moved to Newcastle the day I found out. Clayton and I have a terrible relationship and I really don't want him to have much to do with my child. He was a horrible father, so I doubt he will be an appropriate grandfather. :nope:
My auntie on my fathers side is a mid wife, so of course I have told her. She is totally supportive and although she can't be my mid wife because we are related, she will be there for me through the whole pregnancy and birth. So it's nice that I'm going to have that continuity.
Just over 36 weeks to go!! :happydance:
It's amazing that you are surrounded by such supportive people! I know I was also surprised at some of the reactions I got from family and friends when they found out about my pregnancy.

My OH cried for about an hour when I first told him, but he now insists he can't wait to meet his baby girl. My mom and dad were a little shocked to start with but now are both so excited to become grandparents :) and my sisters can't wait to have a little one around to play with. On the whole my family has been totally supportive, whereas my OH's family can't seem to help but be very negative about everything, but it's alright because I hardly ever see them.

It's so nice that you have a midwife close in the family to talk to :)

Good luck telling your dad xxx
Thanks hon :)
My baby daddy's mother will flip out!! I just know it. She absolutely HATES me. She always has, from the moment she met me. His father will probably move over from Hawaii, so he can help us out. He is a lovely man.
I'm just too excited, I want to see my little pumpkin already!!! :D
Seems that you've got all the support you need :) the first trimester will fly by, don't you worry!
That's so great they're being supportive :flower: . Also I just noticed we're due one day apart and are both from Aus which is pretty cool.
That's so great they're being supportive :flower: . Also I just noticed we're due one day apart and are both from Aus which is pretty cool.

Oh wow haylz9! What a co-inkydink. LOL. I hope everything goes well during your pregnancy and feel free to message me about anything, darl :thumbup:
What a happy and lovely story. :) you're very lucky to have such a supportive family. Xxx

Ps- yay for Aussie babies! :baby:

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