Well, my ladies... just as I was allowing myself to feel happy about the line progression, I started to spot, then the lines started to fade and now they're but a shadow
2 chemicals, back-to-back, by 18 DPO.
The tests were getting stronger, but obviously not enough since I suddenly started to spot for 1 day. Then I had a heavy flow for less than 1 day. Today nothing.
That is a very short AF, especially considering the positive tests.
So I'm wondering, does that mean I might have a lining problem?
I'm a newbie at this. Do any of you ladies here have experience on how to improve that?
I'd like to ask for a progesterone prescription for the next tww and I also want an ultrasound to check the lining.
I also find it interesting that the internet cheapies are more sensitive than the FRER but, in my case, I should stop testing early.