How long after stopping BCP did you conceive?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
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I hope you don't mind my asking, but how long did it take you to conceive after coming off hormonal contraception?

I stopped the combined pill at the end of April and we've been having (lots of! TMI sorry!) unprotected sex since with no luck. Our 2.5 year old was a one time happy 'oops' but we were using condoms at the time rather than any hormonal contraceptive.

My GP said I would be fertile straight away but a quick Google suggests otherwise.

My cycles have been quite short with quite light periods so I'm worried that the pill is still having an effect, is that possible?
It took me three years to get pregnant after coming of the pill with my first i don't no if that was just a coincidence tho x
Wow, I'm sorry, I really hope that's not the case for me! I was on the pill for years when I was younger. This time I've only been on it a year ish.
It took me 14 months to conceive after stopping the pill.

my period were like clockwork before going on the pill and I was only on it for about year maybe a little more and after I stopped my cycle was messed up it would range anything from 23 days - 45 days and sometimes they would be heavy 7 days or 4 light days or even just 10 days worth of brown blood

Doctors said it was pretty normal and can take up to a year for your cycle to go back to normal but some people go back to normal straight away everyone different

for example my friend got pregnant as soon as she stopped taking the pill

my doctors said it can take a healthy fertile couple who haven't been on any conception 2 years to fall pregnant naturally so not to worry

good luck to you though, I know it can be frustrating :)
I'm not a good example because I went off before we started trying. I went off my pills on December 31st. DH and I started TTC at the end of March (with ovulation in mid April) and I found out I was pregnant at the end of May. So while there was 5 months between going off of the pill and my BFP, we were only actually trying for 2 months. So it could have been earlier than that.
A year for me! I was on the contraceptive patch. Came off of it June 2014, regular periods by January 2015, pregnant by June 2015. Gl :) X
I tried for a year after depo and didn't get anywhere, had a break and went on the implant and got pregnant after two months post removal!
I came off my bc on April 12th (my last period with bc) and fell pregnant immediately!
I got pregnant with my son the 5th month NTNP after being on Yasmin for not quite a year :) it really depends from person to person but it's not true that you're fertility returns immediately (not as a rule, some women's fertility may do). It depends on the amount of artificial hormone that has built up in your body and how efficiently your body disposes of it and regains control over proper hormone production etc.
First month both times but miscarried both times then got pregnant again straight after my next AF. Good luck 😃
2nd cycle off the pill with DD (after being on it for 6 years). :flower:
For us it was 3.5 years after stopping bcp. Although we were NTNP for ~2.5 years and actually TTC for 15 months before we fell pregnant.

My advice to you is get a BBT and temp a few cycles just to make sure that your cycle is consistent and you see ovulation spikes. Or you can do the opk's but they do get pricey (in Canada anyway)

If you are really worried go for a check up with your GP and have them run some tests... Thyroid (TSH should be between .5 -2 for ideal fertility), BV & Yeast swab, STI's/STD's Etc. just to make sure that your body is in top shape to conceive as even the smallest thing can prevent you from conceiving.

Good luck and baby dust to you! :)
I stopped the pill at the end of December but did not start NTNP until mid April. Now 7w1d. The pill may not stay in your system long after stopping it, but your body may take awhile to readjust to it's natural cycle.
I got the Nexplanon implant in September 2014, removed in March 2015, and got pregnant in May 2015. :)
I stopped BCP in May 2014. We waited until July 2014 to start trying and it took us almost 11 months to get pregnant. I had been on BCP for 12 years and my cycles were super messed up after coming off it. I agree that temping really is the best way to determine where you are in your cycle. Hopefully you have normal cycles!
2 months with DS after being on it 6 years! This time I've come off of it last month and currently waiting for AF or BFP haha
I got pregnant on bcp the month I took an antibiotic around O time. The second time I was pregnant I got pregnant the second cycle off. I had been taking it for 6 years and 9 years, respectively. I have read that how long you take it and your age play a huge role in how quickly your body adjusts back. I got off and on a few times throughout my usage, but it always took me two cycles to regulate. Once I passed 25, it started taking more along the lines of 3-4 cycles to regulate so I just never got back on it after that and used non-hormonal contraception.
My first dd was conceived on cycle 3, although we didn't time things right cycle 1, and that was after being on the pill for a few years.

Went back on the pill after having dd for about a year and was pregnant 2nd cycle after stopping, although that ended in early mc. Got pregnant again a couple of cycles after that but sadly lost our daughter to t18 quite far into the pregnancy.

Am now pregnant again after 4 cycles of trying.

Hopefully your body won't take too long to adjust back to normal x

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