how long did you nurse to sleep for..


Mummy to beautiful V
Apr 11, 2012
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and why did you stop?
Lo is 1 on Saturday i still feed her to sleep and I don't feel the need to change anything, it works and we're both happy. It means I have to be the one to put her to bed but that's fine as i'm not in a rush to go out in the evening.
I'm still doing it now, but she can fall asleep being cuddled by daddy too. If you're happy with continuing to nurse to sleep then I wouldn't change anything :)
I still do, at 13 months. Including naps when I'm not at work.
I am still doing it with my 2 year old. There are some nights where she will drink then push me away and fall asleep on her own. But for the most part she nurses to sleep. It still works for us so I don't feel any need to change it yet. I know it won't last forever so I am enjoying it while I can. Children grow up so quickly, so I don't feel the need to change what we are doing.
15 months and I still do. He sleeps 11 hours at night with no waking. If I felt like it was interfering with his self settling then I would try to stop. But right now we both enjoy it and it's so peaceful.
Still do. It's the easiest way to get her to sleep, so I see no point in changing it yet. :)

She falls asleep for my DH and mom no problem when I'm not around, too.
and why did you stop?
Lo is 1 on Saturday i still feed her to sleep and I don't feel the need to change anything, it works and we're both happy. It means I have to be the one to put her to bed but that's fine as i'm not in a rush to go out in the evening.

i did till my son was 2yrs 6months...he was ready to go of by then.

what ever feels best for you and baby is the way to go, if your comfortable with it I dont see any reason too stop :thumbup:

why fix whats not broken
I am still doing it at 13 months. I am ready to stop though as it is interfering with her ability to self settle.
I stopped at almost 6 months. I stopped because she was waking every hour at night needing nursed back to sleep because she didn't know how to fall asleep without me. Plus I knew I was eventually going to be switching to ff and going back to work so I needed her to be able to self settle for baby sitters and what not.. and I don't want anyone putting her in bed with a bottle just to get her to sleep : /
Still do. No reason to stop here. She can go to sleep on her own sometimes if she is really tired, but for the most part she nurses to sleep and then throughout the night a few times. :)
Until i weaned my LO at 18 months i nursed him to sleep and nursed him back to sleep every time he woke up during the night. After he was weaned i swapped out for a binky at night time instead. he's now 2 and still has to be rocked to sleep at night. . . . it is a pain! I wish he would just lay down and go to sleep. i keep telling myself someday it will happen, though!

I don't regret nursing him to sleep for so long, because at the time it worked for us and everyone was happy with it. I just had my second baby and will probably do the same thing with her.
I did until 8 months but she regularly was still awake after a feed before this. I also stopped offering bf in the night about then. I carried on bf in the day until she was 16 months and morning and night until 18 months. Not sure how it will go with my next one. Will probably aim for the same. Do what feels right for you and your LO
We stopped at 17 months as she kept waking so much during the night for feeds. We first cut the night feeds then stopped feeding to sleep and she started sleeping through without waking.

For the next baby I'm hoping not to get into the habit of feeding to sleep but I don't know if that will be possible because there's no way I could have got DD to sleep any other way!

I stopped because I couldn't take the constant night waking but if it's still working well for you then I don't see any reason to stop.
I stopped nursing to sleep at about 12-13 months as I was hoping it might stop him waking so often in the night (ie removing the sleep association). It wasn't actually that difficult to change the routine. We would all sit in DS1's room and read books and I would feed DS2 in there then take him to his room. A few times I would feed until almost asleep and put him in his cot, sometimes he would protest and sometimes he was fine. After a while he would settle on his own.

It didn't actually help the night waking that much, maybe some improvement but he only started sleeping all night at 24 months. He still breastfeeds although it is dwindling slowly but I'm happy if he wants to wean now.

I think if it is working for you and you are happy then keep doing it. Sometimes a habit isn't as hard as you expect it to be when you decide it it is time to stop. I always stressed about feeding to sleep with DS1 but it wasn't a hard thing to stop so I didn't stress so much the next time and just enjoyed the special time.
Still do, not planning on stopping till dd ready to sleep without it.
more replies than I expected, glad to see quite a few of us are doing it for longer.
there are so many threads about sleep training that made me think it was just me who felt that feeding to sleep was the right thing to do, everyone else seemed to be going on about breaking habits to do with being close to baby, I do encourage her to be independent and try new things and make mistakes on her own but I also know she needs and wants my comfort so i'm going to keep going and play it by ear.
Thanks guys.
Still nursing to sleep at 15 months. We are weaning from day feeds but ill let him nurse at night for another year if he wants.
It's so nice to hear of people feeding to sleep for so long. I always felt like I was doing something wrong because all you hear is about how it's such a terrible habit past about 6 months. So thanks ladiess :thumbup:
I plan on nursing to sleep whilst I'm available until he no longer wants it! Quite often he'll stir and look at me whilst putting him down but he snuggles and drifts back off.
I fed DD to sleep until about 16 months when we stopped BF (because I was pregnant)
I'll feed DS to sleep for however long he wants.
Nothing wrong with it at all if you're both happy. They're still babies!

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