How long have you been WTT?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Hi everyone! am new to here, and recently new to wanting a baby too.... Only thing stopping me from TTC is the OH! I'm 24 & been married two years, never thought I would want kids this early on, and up till recently I wasnt feeling broody at all, but baby fever seems to have hit and its all i can think about! It is doing my head in! Must be hormonal? Its never happened before. Have spoken to OH but he says hes not ready yet, thinks having a kid would be the end of life as he knows it (true i guess) and theres a lot more he wants to do first, like travelling etc.i agree that now wouldnt be the right time, theres a lot i want to do first such as lose weight (put on so much since getting married & if i got pregnant now i would be a total heffalump!) and also save money cos financially we are not too secure either. We both work full time but not that good at saving!! So i'm prepared to wait a year or so, but i think OH is thinking even further in the future than that.... How long have you guys been waiting? Anyone else got a unsure OH, and anyone managed to coax their unsure partner into TTC? I dont want to put any pressure on him. xx
Hi, my OH sounds very similar to yours as even though he wants kids someday he feels like it will be the end of his world atm! i have wanted a child since i was 17 when i was forcd into a termination (was with the same OH as now been 2getha 6 years, im 21 now and he is 23). We had a surprise at the beginning of the year when i found myself pregnant. After the initial shock (it really was a miracle how it managed to get there lol we were being very careful at the time) we were both really excited and i think my OH was even more excited than me at some points but sadly that ended in m/c at 11wks. This has made me want a child even more but my OH doesnt feel ready and his family keep telling him he is far too young and he still needs to 'live'. I'am respecting his decision and we are waiting to try until he feels more ready. I know this is the right thing to do really as our wedding is booked for april 2010!! :D :D and it will be nice to concentrate on organising that next year and then we will be enjoying a couple of years as newlyweds. I have also just come to the end of doing my degree and will be starting my new job in january so would feel a bit silly to only be there a couple of months and then announce that im pregnant.

I do have to say though if my OH wanted to try aswell i dont think i would say no! i have to keep convincing myself that its best to wait right now.

Good luck with everything, and i hope that you dont have to wait to long!!


nice to hear someone else is in a similar position to me.

i'm so jealous of these ladies who are TTC or who have succeeded! Still, best that it happens at the right time!
Hi and welcome I am 26 and H is 29. We have been married a year and a half and to be honest I was ready 2 years ago !!! H said 2 years after we got married (so in theory june 09) I do think he is a little unsure for money reasons and the fact that as a child he was one of the youngest of them all whereas I was the oldest and 8 years older so have been there when they were babies to help.

H races motorbikes and is having fun doing that, it costs alot of money and we are away at least once a month sometimes more. H has said that he wants to be 100% sure that he would be around for the birth (the races are 4 hours away) but I didn't want to wait until June 09 to stop the pill because we aren't guaranteed to get pregnant straight away, so we said I would come off the pill in Feb.

I try not to talk about it too much as it doesn't help, its best to let him come round in his own time - lol so he has 2 months left !!!!!

We have been on our last fab holiday now so clearing the debts, then savinf and go for it !!!

I guess the best thing is to sit down and decide to go on a few holidays/save some money and say would you then want to have kids, that way you have a bit more of a plan and know where you both stand, or set a time scale ie 2 years time. That way you have a rough time that YOU look towards in your head and he has that time to get used to it.
thanks mrs doddy!the thing with my OH is that firstly he is a little bit younger than me, and secondly me wanting babies has come completely out of the blue for him. i mean he knew that i wanted them in the future but wasnt expecting me to get all broody now!

i have said to him that i will work on a few personal goals and that we will save, as well as try to both find jobs we like & then review the situation in say a year. given that it can take some time to conceive, esp as i have been on the pill for over 2 years now, i would love to be TTC this time next year but we'll have to see where we are.2 years seems such a long time away! in the meantime i am trying not to talk about it too much as he will think i am baby mad! you should have seen his face when i told him about this forum! :dohh: perhaps i shouldnt have....

Ive been wanting a baby probably 6 weeks after i had amber haha!
i knew it wasnt good time for loads of reasons.
me & OH argeed we can try next year oct/nov 09.
my OH thought having a kid ends your life, but it doesnt, its start of a even better 1.
we were originaly planning on waiting til september 2009 and september just gone i found out i was pregnant (i was on the pill) it ended in an ectopic and me loosing my right tube but oh said when we started talking bout trying again and it had made him realise how much he wanted our angel and how he doesnt wanna wait too long befor we can try again we had to wait 3months drs orders so it just depends on when you are both ready but it doesnt ruin your life it changes it and i think it changes it for the better i hope i have helped take care xx:hug:xx
thanks guys. i know that having a baby wouldnt necessarily be easy but i think it would change our life for the better. just need to convince the OH! Good luck with TTC
Mummy to Amber are you trying to lose weight before TTC, if so how much are you trying to lose? I need to lose about 2st ideally, as want to be fit and healthy before getting pg. xx
Mummy to Amber are you trying to lose weight before TTC, if so how much are you trying to lose? I need to lose about 2st ideally, as want to be fit and healthy before getting pg. xx

i need to lose to bloody much :rofl: yeah i want lose it before ttc. thing is though, with my ticker it says differnt to my wii fit board so im abit confused. i dont believe ive lost 10lbs at all. i aint doing very well lol think restart in the new year.
i put on over 3 stone was mainly in the 3rd tri
so idealy id like be around 10stone again.

good luck! xx
Hi, i've been waiting almost a year. In that time OH has gone from possibly never wanting children to saying we can start not trying but not preventing. xx

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