I'm due to go to see Leonard Cohen in a couple of weeks and had been storing expressed milk for hubby to feed Jack while I'm out. I thought it would be a good six hours or so that I would be out for, but today I found out that the gig is further away than I thought (my dad got the tickets!) and my dad wants to leave early afternoon to miss rush hour and get to the venue in good time. But this could potentially mean I'm away from Jack for twelve hours.
I'm worried about what this could do to my supply. Even if I take my pump, once it's been used once it won't be sterile any longer. I could have some serious engorgement issues too, I don't get full often any more but that length of time will probably still get uncomfortable and cause some serious leaks!
Is it way too soon to go so long between feeds? Should I take Jack with me and leave hubby home alone to have some much needed alone time? (There isn't another spare ticket, so hubby can't come too)
I'm worried about what this could do to my supply. Even if I take my pump, once it's been used once it won't be sterile any longer. I could have some serious engorgement issues too, I don't get full often any more but that length of time will probably still get uncomfortable and cause some serious leaks!
Is it way too soon to go so long between feeds? Should I take Jack with me and leave hubby home alone to have some much needed alone time? (There isn't another spare ticket, so hubby can't come too)