
and thanks for your kind words. Elliesmum please feel free to say all you want you are certaintly not taking over it's good to hear that I'm not the only one. (obviously not good in I'm happy someone else is sad iykwim)
Sorry this is gonna be long........
Right well I hope you don't mind but I should tell all you really why I am finding it so hard to grieve. It's because I don't feel like I have the right. Just before I got pregnant I decided to start looking after my health a bit more. I've already said befroe I have connor who's 8 and daisy who's 7 and I have suffered from High blood pressure for years and was given medication but I stopped taking it, but I got scared one day and thought I should sort this out as I want to continue being an active mum not one they end up seeing in bed with a stroke.
So I went back to the docs and told him and he gave me more pills and I also quit smoking. Then I missed my period although we was not activly trying to concieve (another long story but I will save it for another time lol) we had not used precautions for nearly 18 months. So as soon as i took the test I booked in to see my gp to sort out my meds as I looked on the packet and it said do not take if pregnant or trying to concieve. So as soon as I walked onto his room and told him his face changed ( i was expecting a congratulations) and he said you need to think about this carefully as you have been on ACE inhibitors and they can cause serious defects. And then said at this stage I can give you a tablet and it would be over like having a heavy period. Well I burst into tears and said no! So he sent me home and said he would have to phone the medical boards (or something like this) to find out what to do exactly and what damage could happen. So I went home hysterical then when he called he told me that either as it was early any damage may be repaired or it would be so severe I would naturally miscarry. Then that weekend I had really bad pain,a bit of spotting and gastric so I went to the emergency docs and was booked in for a scan at the epu. So i went and they scanned me and although they could see the sac and a small dot inside it they said i was only about 5 weeks I should have been 6 by my lmp. So they said they would re scan me in 2 weeks and they got me to have a chat with the doc there about the ACE inhibitors. He told me it could cause heart problems or severe facial deformities and it would probably mean having a very detailed scan at a later date but he also said it could mean having to terminate the pregnancy at a much later date if the baby could not survive. So I went home and trailed the internet for info and from what I found it seemed that it may not have been that bad.
So I tried to relax and get on with it and not think about all the negative things. So on the friday before my second scan we went to the seaside for the day as a family and it was breezy on the beach but warm in the sun. Anyway I fell asleep on the beach and got really burnt. By the time we got home i was really ill with sunstroke. Then on the saturday I started spotting again. When they scanned me on the monday although the sac had grown there was no baby. So they said I would have to have my bloods taken to see if my hormone levels were dropping. I said ok but I said if this pregnancy is over I wanted a erpc as the midwife said it could take up to 3 weeks for things to happen naturally and I knew for my own mental health and for the sake of my family I could not sit around waiting wondering if today was the day (and also if I'm honest I was really scared of what would happen and being in pain and on my own). So i asked if they could do it asap. So she promised me that when I came back on the wed if my levels had dropped they could probably book me in for the same day or next. My first bloods were over 19,000 on wednesday they had dropped by less that 1000 so they said i had to have more bloods on friday as they wanted a bigger drop than that and if they had come down I was looking at the monday for erpc. I was so distraught. I knew my baby had died and just wanted it over with. I told myself as soon as i have the erpc I would start to heal. My gp even phoned them up and tried to get it done before but i still had this wait. I did eventually have the erpc on the monday.
The thing is now I cannot help but think if I had not taken those meds or was stupid enough to get sunstroke we would have had a chance. Others have said I was lucky as I could have gone further and connor and daisy would have known and got excited just to find out the baby could not survive, in other words it could have been a lot worse. Ans deep down I know they are right but I just wanna tell them to f*** off.
Right, well that's my story and I'm sorry it goes on a bit I just needed this off my chest. I'll try not to post things this long again LOL