my newborn seems to have suddenly picked up an enormous appetite. I'm giving him exclusively breastmilk, but i'm pumping off a lot at the mo and giivng it to him in a bottle as he doesnt suck too well (was born slightly early) and one of my nipples is slightly odd shape and doesnt help him.
I tend to give him a bottle and then he goes onto the boob for as long as pain will allow as it sooths him.
Anway, does anyone else know how much in volume a newborn should be consuming?
Right now he's on about 60 or 70ml of pumped milk every 2 hours. It was a lot less a few days ago but he seems to be happily guzzling now!!
ok, tinytoes is now off to attach herself to the pump...again..
i feel like daisy the cow!!
I tend to give him a bottle and then he goes onto the boob for as long as pain will allow as it sooths him.
Anway, does anyone else know how much in volume a newborn should be consuming?
Right now he's on about 60 or 70ml of pumped milk every 2 hours. It was a lot less a few days ago but he seems to be happily guzzling now!!
ok, tinytoes is now off to attach herself to the pump...again..
i feel like daisy the cow!!