How many of you induced?


TTC #1
Aug 12, 2013
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Hey ladies. I have noticed more and more people get c-sections. And was just curious if any of you were induced? All my friends seem to have planed inductions dates like it is normal. I just want my water to break naturally when it is my time.

However, I can't truly speak on it because I have never had a baby and I am still in the 2ww. Still curious.
Yep- induction for vaginal birth which turned into an emergency c-section. I was 2 weeks over so was induced on NYE but bubs did not react well to the hormone drip :(
But my c-section went very well, you can't even see my scar and i didn't need the prescribed pain killers beyond a week afterwards
I was induced after my waters broke but labor didn't progress past 5cms baby started to get distressed after 4 days of labor so i was given an emergency C-section.
I was induced with my little boy at 38 weeks and didnt even dialate but i cant remember how long i used the pain killers for but it has been years ago just the recovery time takes the mick and the scar wasnt as bad had 7 stitches on outside
Induced due to high blood pressure. Had 3 pessary tablets to get thinned out (12 hours) and then another 12 hours of pitocin my waters broke on its own. 14 hours after that I was 10cm ready to push but she wasn't completely engaged. An hour of pushing they upped my pitocin to bring her down, did that for 3 hours so I could rest but couldn't due to back labor and she still wasn't coming down enough. They told me I would need to push for another 2-3 hours and I was like NOPE DONE just give me the c-section. The surgery and the recovering was 10x better than my whole labor
I was induced at 41+5 with the pessary however it sent my into hyper stimulation so they took it out a few hours later.

My water was then broken at 42 weeks exactly and I had dd by emcs at 42+1 due to non progression of labour - I got to 9cm and retracted to 6cm

I wasn't induced, my first was frank breech so I had a cesarean for that reason at 41w5d. With my second, I wanted a vbac, but my office won't induce a vbac (only allow natural lab) and they won't let you go past 41w. Well, I didn't go into labor, so I had a rcs at 41w1d.

But I do know that lots of studies are saying that if you're induced, you have a higher chance of needing other interventions (like forceps, vacuum extraction, and ultimately, a cesarean) than if you go into natural labor. I don't have any links to share, I deleted myself from the fb group that I read them through.
I was induced at 40+2 due to high blood pressure (which happened all at once, it was pretty normal through the whole pregnancy, but then shot up at the end on me)...they gave me antibiotics due to being Group B Strep positive, then gave me the dilation tablets internally to help, since it wasnt happening on its water broke on its own when i was getting up to use the bathroom the first night...i was having the "right" kind of contractions, but after 24 hours, was only at 6cm..and she was fussy when i laid on my right side, so they decided to give me the option of the csection...i dont remember alot of it..yay medications... but it was not terrible, though i threw up the popsicles they allowed me before the surgery started..poor anesthesiologist! plan was to go into things with an open mind and not be disappointed if i had to have one (she was breech up until the last scan, so we thought we might have to have one anyway)...i think the reason that i had the csection was because my baby was being uncooperative and ornery :haha:
I was induced with my first for medical reasons, we noticed my bump hadn't grown in 4 weeks at 34 weeks, had a scan at 35 weeks he was measuring 32 weeks my placenta had started to fail and they think he stopped growing was induced 5 days later at 36 weeks, he weighed 4lb 6oz. it ended up in a section as he got stressed.

my second was a planned section as I was due on my eldest 1st birthday.
I've just found out i'm pregnant again. As relaxing as a planned section is i'd pick induction of it any day,
I love being able to feel the contractions as painful as they are. only because it felt like its more natural then a section.
in my notes from my last section it says any pregnancy after has to be a section, I think I might ask about vba2c and if they feel baby needs to be early then to induce me.
I was induced at 41+6. I was given the option to go another 24 hours, but I didn't think she'd come on her own if she wasn't already trying by 41+6. We were also given the option of going to the birth center and just having my waters broken and go from there, but I felt at 41+6 it would be likely I'd need a transfer, so I just opted for the induction.

I was 100% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated.

After about 10 minutes of pitocin, DD was already going into distress. They tried positioning me differently and ultimately ended up breaking my waters as they did an internal monitor for more accurate information regarding her distress.

The contractions were so mild (I wasn't even feeling them), and her heart rate dropped with each one. They eventually gave me a shot to stop the contractions, but they wouldn't stop (while I was waiting for my section).

I honestly don't think my induction really changed whether or not I had a csection. I honestly feel that even if I went into labor on my own, she still would have ended up in distress (and honestly I feel grateful that we made the choice we did because it allowed her to be monitored - otherwise who knows at what point the distress would have been noticed and if that saved us time in getting her out quicker).
I was not induced.

Went into labour naturally, got fully dilated by bubs failed to descend as he was 9lb 10oz and OP. So we had a C-section, however, it was a very positive experience as neither of us were in any distress.
I did not have a c-section but felt I should comment because I *should* have had a c-section but the way my DS was laying meant it would have taken longer to do the c-section than it did to episiotomy and whip out the forceps.

I was induced at 42+2 by pessary. Had 2 of those but they both failed. I then was put on the synoticinon drip which only dilated me 2cm's in over a day so they broke my water. He went into fetal distress hours later and heartrate fell from 140bpm to 45bpm. I do not know if this was due to the induction or just because he was very overdue when he finally arrived at 42+4 but thought I would add my story in just in case.
I also did not have to have one. I was induced at 41 weeks, they warned me I was higher risk for section due to my cervix dialation. I dialated fine, baby was back to back, and I had forceps at the end (she ended up having a short cord, to complicate more)

I want to avoid induction this time if at all possible, but my body did was it was supposed to as soon as the induction started. And my recovery from the epesidomy was easy.
Nope, I waited to go into labor naturally. I had prelabor nonpainful non progressing contractions for about 3 days, then went into labor at 40+4. I labored at home for nearly 18 hours before arriving at birth center at 8cm. Water broke about 10 hours into labor. Baby was born about 2 hours after getting to center. I had no pain meds, in fact I didn't even get checked for dilation before labor started. My recovery was pretty fast. Best of luck to you

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