How many of you who already have a baby are worried about a difficult birth/pregnancy

Did i say i was WTT in a year and i bit........i meant 5 years :rofl:

On a serious note, i have enjoyed reading your comments, i think sometimes i think about having a baby so much, theres time i forget about how i got there. Like i have thought about pregnancy and labour but i guess i just think everything will be ok and dont think of all the posibilities.

The way you've got to look at it is, even the women who go through the most traumatic pregnancies and labours still go on to have more kids! It isn't the wonderful thing you see it be on the TV for the most part but it is a million percent worth it! x

yep i know i only have to look at how proud you mummies are of your gorgeous children to see how much it is worth it x
me, I am starting to panic as my last I was started twice, was 23 hours, which ended in forceps delivery, Im worried it will happen again :cry:
me, I am starting to panic as my last I was started twice, was 23 hours, which ended in forceps delivery, Im worried it will happen again :cry:

apologies, I thought this was the 3rd tri, dont know how I ended up in here x
I am very worried about having to have another c-section as I feel I missed out on a natural birth even though ppl say I am crazy haha! I only had it because the midwife accidentally broke my waters at 38 weeks and I did not progress more then 1-2cm's in the 24 hours afterwards :(
I think I am due a horrific 2nd labour as i had a really smooth labour.

Waters broke at 5.30am
Arrived at hospital 2cm dialated at 8am
8 cm dialated at 10 am
10 cm dialated at 10:40am
Walked to the bathroom, shut the door, done three big pushes standing up holding onto the sink, her head popped out, called the midwives and 10:48am Hallie Madison was here :cloud9:

So deffo think I am due a long haul next time!
Forgot to add that I deserved an easy labour due to a bad pregnancy.

13weeks got told i had a miscarriage and found a heart beat the next day!
bad morning sickness and lost 2 stone.
33weeks rushed to intensive care and stayed in hospital for 4 days witha n unknown infection.
A fall in the bath meaning a stay at jamaica general on a trip to newyork
a night in hospital in lanzarote due to my bp

Then random bleeds through out and a back to back pregnancy so little movements.

:rofl: Deffo couldnt go through all that again.
I flew through prgnancy with my son (now aged 4) but had a tough birth,i was in labour for 16 hours the midwifes couldnt decide how many cms dilated i was and whilst trying to decide my boy got into distress,his heart rate dropped to 50,they could make out if it was mine or the babys!

I was rushed through to thearte for c-section but had him natural with a vontouse,he had swallowed his own poo from were he got into distress and they had to tube him,he was very cold and finding it hard to breath for the first hour so he was put skin to skin with me,it all turned out ok in the end,but i think being a first time mum i didnt know what was going on and this time(when it happens) i will now what is what!
I had a horrible labour with my first, i was induced, which didn't seem to work, in labour over 24 hours, then he got stuck by his shoulders, they ended up using forceps, i was cut and i tore, i lost so much blood i needed blood transfusion and my son had to be resusitated (sp?) (he was badly bruised and cut from the force of the forceps but was ok after he was revived)
It took 3 hours to stitch me back together inside and out. (sorry to be so graphic but it helps get the idea!)
It took months to come to terms with all that went on, and the feeling i had when i gave birth, i was scared, and didnt know what was happening and still to this day i feel i should have been offered some councelling to deal with it and help me bond with my son!
I carried on (6 years later) to have another induced birth this time much better, and 6 hours and I bonded straight away with my gorgeous son.
Then my daughter, she was 3 hours labour, again induced and again lovely, as lovely as it can be!
Then my youngest my first non induced so totally natural birth, it was amazing it was 5 hours and much less intense that the others and i would hang out for not being induced if i could.

I still worried before the births even after good ones, its been my worry even before conception!!
Pass on any concerns to your midwife, and on your birth plan, make sure everyone present at the birth knows what you want, they are understanding and it all helps to get the birth you want.
I would also reccomend relaxation and yoga, one other or both!!
I still think i should have had c sec with first, it would have been safer for him and that is what is important.
I know how lucky i have been to carry on and deliver the others!

Good luck

:baby:thinkpink xx
I had a lovely pregnancy with Max, went really smoothly! :D

My labour was better than expected...i thought id be a flid, Max was 9lb13oz!! But again this was fine natural birth with only gas and air.. i was proud of myself, but when Max was born my trauma started, he wasnt breathing, had a distended tummy and was whisked straight away, i had no idea what he even looked like (I only just managed to find out he was a boy :dohh:) He was taken straight to NICU where they told us he was resuscitated (sp?) and then ventilated. I was allowed to see him 4 hours later where he was strapped up to countless machines. We stayed at our local hospital like this for 2 days when it was discovered Max had a bowel blockage.. we were blue lighted to Bristol (2/3 hours away) where me and OH remained for four weeks (only our parents had met him in this time), Max had surgery at 3 days old. Was the most emotional, heart breaking journey I ever made. So not what my first motherhood was planned like! I am soooo scared this is going to happen again on my next it hurts!

It is extremly unlikley this will happen again and so I am just being paranoid, I really cant help it though!

Sorry its long girls, I was gunna start a thread like this myself! :D If youve made it this far thanks for reading :D
Thanks for replying girls. Wow, so many of you have been through so much in both your pregnancies and labour. It makes me feel a little bit silly worrying about the placenta thing as compared to what some of you have been through, it was a relatively minor thing. Like so many of you have said, every birth is different and even though some of us have had issues with our first one, does not mean that it will be the same second time round. I know that if I get pregnant again, I am definately going to highlight the placenta thing to my doctor and in labour ward.

Good luck to you all and I hope subsequent pregnancies are enjoyable and the labours are easy ones.

I had a ridiculously healthy pregnancy and a great birth experience. I'm primed for #2! And now that I know the magic of the epidural, I am even more confident! :) I still plan to try for an all-natural again, but I like knowing how effective the epidural was for me. It would be nice if I didn't need to be induced this next time. I'm curious to see how I'd do if all the inteventions hadn't been necessary to get bambino moving (ie. would I have had such brutal back labour, needed epidural, etc?).
I am expecting my 3rd child. Have already got 2 boys, both different pregnancies and labours! My first was born at 28 weeks! which was a nightmare, but he is great now and just turned 3. My2nd pregnacy was fine and was induced at 38 weeks and labour wasn't too good. I ended up having a manual removal of placenta. Does anyone know how common it is to happen again??
i am a bit worried i have been doing resherch and my blood is negative and my boyfriend is posertive which means the baby would be posertive, which could lead to implications. has anyone else had these problems.
I'm just worried because I know they will be monitoring me because of my history with preterm contractions and I don't know how Connor will act going to the doctors twice a week why mommy has an NST. Let alone morning sickness, blah! I also worry about my placenta being aged early as my placenta was completely aged at 37 weeks (the placenta of a 42 week pregnant woman) and my fluid was flow. Plus he was small for gestational age but the was probably from the crap placenta and being on nephdapine and turbutaline for contractions.

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