How Much And How Often For A Newborn?


Apr 19, 2009
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My son is just over a week old now. :happydance: I'm looking to get him into a feeding routine as quickly as possible, if possible.

We started off making 3oz bottles every 3 hours. But his ounce intake was pretty much random. Anything between 1 - 2 1/2 ounces. The other day routine went out the window, and we were like headless chickens. Random nappy changes, random feeds. And he would only take 1oz that lasted about 30mins - 1hr and want more, but again, only take 1oz.

But yesterday he took a full 3oz that lasted him 4 hours. He took the full 3 again and lasted another 4 hours. So we kept this going through the day. He was quite content until his last feed. He got pretty upset with about 2 hours until he was due. But managed to calm him through most of it, but at the end he was really upset. :hissy:

Ive worked out that it's about 18oz he's taking in a day. I'm not sure if this is enough or not it sounds pretty low. I don't wanna starve the wee lad.

By the time he's taken the full 3oz, He's out cold!

Can any of you share your views and opinions? Midwifes have dodged this question pretty well. Their response is normally "If he's content, then it's OK"

Ah, i can't edit the post to clear the bottom part. Please ignore the bottom part :|
I really think it's best to feed on demand. A routine with a newborn really doesn't work. They go through many growth spurts over the first few months and they will sometimes want to eat every 1-2hrs and other times every 3-4 or even longer between. I would just follow his cues, he will make his own schedule in time. As far as how much I say the same thing, h will eat as much as he wants, I wouldn't try and get him to take more than he wants just so he goes longer between feeds, their stomachs are so small and they know when they are hungry and how much they want at a time, and it often varies until they get a bit older
When do you start to get them into a routine then? Feeding on demand would certainly keep him quiet!
As he gets older h will do it on his own, it really probably won't happen for a couple months but it will make for happier baby and in turn mommy and daddy :) I would say probably by 2-3mo he will have his own routine, probably eating every 3-4 hrs during the day, depending on the baby might sleep all night, might still need feedings at night. Then as he gets on solids he will adjust his routine. But they continue to go through alot of growth spurts throughout the first year so there still might be times after he gets more consistant that he decides he wants to eat after only 2hrs, I would just follow what he wants.
feed on demand hun, its way too early for a routine. :) 8 weeks is getting into one early.
I agree feed him on demand for the first few months. With Hannah she put herself into her own routine pretty quickly and we found that it was best to just work with her. You will also find that your son is going to hit growth spurts and suddenly want more formula than he's been having before( and usually eating again when you least expect it)..completely normal so you have to be really flexible with any schedule you think you have (they always seem to change it on you :lol:)
Yep i agree i was told to feed on demand, Lexie found her own routine and i just went with it at about 10 weeks. I f i remeber she was feeding about 1oz every 2 and a half to 3 hours untill she was about 2 weeks then upped to 2 oz in the same timespan. Tbh somedays are stll random at 18 weeks! Good luck xx
I would too go with demand feeding at the minute, then he will gradually form his own feeding routine, give it a couple more weeks and you'll start to notice :)
How many ounces should he not go over in a day? I don't want him turning into a little fatty.
I'd say just give him what he wants. I tried to get my son into a routine when he was newborn and I got really frustrated because his feeding and sleeping times were all over the place but I eventually realised you just cant do it with newborns.
My son got himself into his own routine at about 2 and a half months. He gets up at 10am, has a feed, then feeds at 2pm, then at 6pm, then bath at 9.30pm then feed at 10pm then straight to bed and will sleep from 10.30pm till 10am :). He has random naps throughout the day too. So it just shows you can go from being all over the place to having a good routine in a few months. But I found it best to just feed on demand when he was newborn too. With all their growth spurts they will just take what they want, when they want it. And I wouldnt worry about giving him too much, he'll just take what he needs to help him grow
Hope that helped... I rambled a bit sorry.
Good luck
i agree with feeding on demand they set their own routines really and you just have to follow tht as dificult as it can be
How many ounces should he not go over in a day? I don't want him turning into a little fatty.

dont not feed him what he needs because u dont want him to be fat he will eat what he needs to eat
Some babies will take more, some less there really is no set limit and honestly at his age I wouldn't worry about him turning into a "fatty"
I fed on demand. She naturally settled into more of a routine at about 7 weeks and the routine has been pretty fixed since 8weeks. I'd suggest that if he cries for food, feed him. You don't need to go 4 hours between feeds all the time. Tiffany was feeding every 1.5hrs at that age and she doesn't go 4 between feeds now, but she sleeps through. xx
With regards to how much you should feed him, again, feed him what he wants. If he starts to drain the bottle then up it. I totally ignored the guidelines of how many oz's she should have and she naturally settled into having the recommended amount after time. I have upped her oz's before suggested and she's really not fat (NOT that it matters)! She's only 9lb12oz now at 10 weeks. x

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