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How much does your child weigh?



Just curious, as school said today my daughter should weigh more. She's 5 and 34 pounds. I thought she was fine, but am now questioning myself.
my dd1 is turning 7 (in 2 day) and she weighs 46lbs, which is average for her age.
dd2 is almost 4 1/2 and she weighs 31lbs.
dd3 is 3 and 30lbs, so only 1lb lighter than her sister, although she looks way smaller!

34lbs at 5 is definitely smaller than average, but probably still totally normal! I'm guessing when my dd2 turns 5 she will be about the same, but she definitely doesn't need to weigh more as she is very short so her weight is perfect for her height. Is your daughter short?
As PP says, it’s hard to know if she’s underweight if you don’t include her height. If she’s short as well she might just be a petite person. 34lbs is for sure not much for a 5 year old, but there are people on each end of the spectrum.

My DS1 is 5 and tall for his age. He is about 120-121cm and just under 22kg, so around 48lbs. He’s a healthy weight for his height and looks great.
DD1 is 4yrs 9months and I think she weighs almost 30lbs, maybe just under.
DD2 is 2yrs 3 months and she hasn't been weighed in ages but I think she's not far off what DD1 weighs because they feel the same when you lift them up!
DD1 is 5 next month and as of two weeks ago she weighed 36lbs. This was done at the GP he didn’t seem concerned in anyway . She is a little tall and skinny but healthy !
Rio was weighed and measured this week. He’s 4 and a half and weighs 39lbs and is 113cms tall x

Just checked and he’s only on 4th percentile now. He is very slim but has suddenly shot up so hopefully he will gain a bit more soon!
34lbs doesn't sound too bad to me for a (newly?) 5 year old girl. Sophie is 45lbs but should be about 36lbs for her height.

Thomas was 44lbs at 5.

Emma is my smallest. She doesn't gain weight that quickly. She's 18 months in a few days and is 20lbs 11oz or about the 25th centile for weight, and she is 50th or so for length. She was born at 7lbs 8oz.

Weight alone doesn't really say much.
My 15 month old has JUST hit 10kg. He's tiny for his age and still in Huggies Crawler nappies.
He's a lot smaller than I remember his brothers being at the same age but he's happy and healthy. Every baby is different.
Mine is turning 5 in a few weeks and is 17 kg (37 lbs).

She does sound small, but as long as height and weight is proportional, it's probably fine as long as she's not falling off the centile scale. I think mine's around 25th centile so she isn't huge but fine.
My 5 year old weighs around 40 lbs. She's almost 6 though. I don't think your LO sounds too small, kids are all different weights and sizes and I'm sure there are some kids in my DD's class around that weight :)
My 4 year old dd is around 35 pounds. My son will be 3 in April and weighs around 30 pounds.
I think she's somewhere around 110cm. She looks fine to me, she never had fat rolls or a milk tummy like most children seem to.
My daughter will be 5 in May and she just got to 32 lbs. (She was at the 6th percentile for her 4 year checkup) We saw a nutritionist at the request of her doctor, and she said her weight was fine and it was obvious she's healthy. Just long and lean like hubby and I were as kids.

Her brother is also turning out the same way; 2 in May and only 19 lbs. He's a solid 19 lbs though and feels like he weighs a lot more! :haha:

Kids come in a variety of weights and heights. If she's still growing and is healthy, then that's the important thing. :flower:
Ds1 is 43lb, he was 6 in September
Ds2 is 36lb, he is just 4
And dd is 29lb, she was 2 in November and looks the chunkiest of the 3
I would say the two boys are average height, there are boys in ds1 class that are growing taller than him despite him being one of the oldest.
Dd is quite tall.
My son is 4.5 and is 43lbs and 98cm

My daughter is 3.5 is 87cm and weighs 28ish lbs

My little one hasnt been weighed in a while but was 21lbs at 12 months
I wouldn't worry unless she is stalled with her weight and/or this is not her normal pattern.

My daughter is about your daughter's size...she is 30 or so pounds at 4 years old, and she gains about 5 or so pounds a year now. She has always been small and has actually remained on the same percentile line since 1 year old. Her younger brother is much bigger though, and has been a bit up and down with weight and height. He weighed at 8 months what my daughter weighed around 2 years old.

After a significant amount of worry and concern with our daughter who is just naturally small, and had a whole slew of tests done with no findings whatsoever; coupled with the fact that she has always been fairly consistent in growth and development--I'm NOT worrying about my kids' weight unless their is a medical concern coupled with an absolute diagnosis.

I laughed after *one* visit when my son was 4mo as the doc said he was obese. Sure enough he crawled at 5 months, was pulling up and beginning to cruise from 7mo onward, and has never been called obese since. He is healthy and strong as an ox. He was also born at 75-90% and I suspect on that particular visit he just hadn't had a height spurt at that exact moment.

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