Well, reading all these posts is a bit depressing!

I gained 47lb and I've still got most of it to lose 8 months down the line. AND I've been breastfeeding. Hmph. My diet just went straight out the window when I got pregnant.. was just stuffing myself all day every day cos I had an excuse! And since I had her I've done an AWFUL lot of comfort eating as I've had quite bad PPD. I tried to go on a diet a few times and just couldn't bear it... now I'm feeling a lot better and I'm back on track. Now I've just gotta resist weighing myself EVERY DAY!!
I went from 14st on the day I went into labour to 12st 9 in a matter of weeks, and then I just perfectly maintained that 12st 9 ever since, give or take a few lb. Like I said I've eaten shit though.. so I'm hoping now I'm back on the healthy eating I'll be able to lose it quite easily since I'd plateaued when I was eating like a pig!