I know its hard, myex was a serial cheat and ended up having a baby with another woman, he cheated on me with her the week before we got married...and we both got pregnant only i lost mine at 3 months.
I dumped himbut i still miss him, he'snot with someone in particular just lots of f****buddies, being pregnant and hormonal i've been really depressed about it and crying buckets. I get so lonely and find being pregnant and alone for the first time really hard, especially as looks like i'm going to have to move house alone too.
I think its more missing having someone around that makes me lonley, not really missing him and I worry i'll never find anyone else. I've been married twice, have 4 kids from 15 yearmarriage and 1 from 2nd marriage whose 3. I wonder who the hell will be interested in a 40 year old woman with 6 kids!!!!
My eldest teenage boys are making life so hard at moment, one's leaving school and shows me no respect, both cuss me out, won't do nothing around the house and eldest cam in at 5.45am last friday!!!! I'm at my wits end with them and even thinking of getting them to live withtheir dad and his new wife. Amazingly he's agreed to it, but i feel so awful like i'm just washing my hands of them, and it makes me feel like i've failed in some way. Especially as i'm pregnant i feel like they'll think that i'm just getting rid of them cos i'm having another baby. I just don't know what to do, but i feel like the house is a hotel and i'm justthe cleaner and cook.