How to make baby come faster? (:


Pregnant with a princess
May 7, 2011
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But Lola doesnt want to come out. :wacko:
Im not dilated or thinned out at all.
So nothings happening. What can I do to jump start labor or make some progress with getting this show on the road.
Also - I want to avoid induction. So very badly. i want everything to go normal since Im going all natural. Im worried something might happen thatll f up my plans. :shrug: Needles scare the crud out of me.
I don't know, I'm 40 weeks and a day now, and nothing has worked for me. But I haven't had sex since like 37 weeks I maybe that could work for you?
I don't know, I'm 40 weeks and a day now, and nothing has worked for me. But I haven't had sex since like 37 weeks I maybe that could work for you?

Yeah Ive been trying that alot. I was thinking if I should take castor oil or not. I have some sitting right here. xD
i heard taking really long walks helps :flower:
I would NOT take castor oil, I think it would only work if you were gonna go in to labor very very soon...

but if you take it, lol tell us about it. Ha.
I have castor oil sitting here infront of me so tempted to just try it and see if it speeds things up but then again I really am reluctant to take it coz ive heard so many bad things about it and how it can put stress on the baby...i just want her here NOW im so over being pregnant!
I have castor oil sitting here infront of me so tempted to just try it and see if it speeds things up but then again I really am reluctant to take it coz ive heard so many bad things about it and how it can put stress on the baby...i just want her here NOW im so over being pregnant!

I didnt know it put stress on the baby, good thing I didnt take it yet. :happydance:
Its so tempting but, Im ready to meet my princess.
Yeahh. Im gunna try and wait til atleast my due date to try it..i wish I culd hop into a time machine and speed it up to the 18th!
Even though both did not work for me!
Yeah walking, I guess my friends doctor told her to stop walking because it really doesn't do much but keep babys head down. I'll take her doctors advice because I don't wanna walk, because I can't walk ha.

Well I mean....I can walk to the kitchen.....mmm.
I bounced on an exercise ball (more like lived on that damn ball), walked & swam around in the pool. Worked for me. My body was already going into labor when they induced me at 38 weeks (which is why I progressed so fast). I used to sit the laptop on a kitchen chair and sit the bouncy ball in front of it, surfing bnb. I spent hours on it lol, but it really did helpl shift her down & get my body ready.
Good luck. She'll come when she's ready no matter what you do. :thumbup:
i took caster oil when pregnant with my son ;) gave me contractions for a couple of hours that died off after i had a bath, but at my midwife appointment a few days later i was 1-2cm dilated, so who knows if the caster oil did that :thumbup: thought id add that it didnt give me the runs or anything which alot of people say happens! good luck :hugs: xx
No need to rush, you're not even 40 weeks yet. She will come when she's ready.
Lol basically trying will just get your hopes up. Nothing works honestly, she'll come when shes done cooking. As long as your taking a walk everyday theres not much else you can do.. Lol.
I would never, ever recommend castor oil. It can be so dangerous. Baby will come when baby is ready! You should sleep! :winkwink:
I tried everything (including castor oil), nothing worked. You're not even to 40 weeks... She'll come when she's ready. My baby was a week late and she was prettty small, she wasn't ready to come at 40 weeks. So she didn't, that's why nothing worked! Enjoy yourself, and SLEEP! I wish I would have listened when people told me that.
Get to 40 weeks,
at 41 weeks I went for a sweep where i was already 3cm dilated after a night of BH, I had sex that night and took a long walk. Afer my sweep i pretty much went into labour streat away, I dont even thing i made it to the car before i had a contraction.
Realisticly your not going to get baby out before 40 weeks and the chances are you will go over due, so all i'd suggest is sex and moving, let gravity do its job.

Oh and I didnt start to thin untill the night before my sweep and Hollie didnt engage untill I went into labour.
Unless you're 100% sure of the date you concieved, you should NOT be trying to get baby out. What if your dates are wrong and he/she is a younger gestational age?? Just because you're full term doesn't mean you should go about trying to get him/her out unless you have like, doctor's orders.
Babies come when they are ready. I don't think anything really speeds up/causes labour other than being induced!

Like someone else said, sleep, relax, make the most of the last few weeks you have of being you and thing you may not be able to do when you are a mummy! :)

My aunty took tonic water with castro oil and within 4 hours of taking it her daughter was born , But the midwife said if you would of took anymore then the baby would of just slipped out of you and you would have had to been stiched ;/ xx

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