How worried should I be about baby's size?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2014
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I have GD and last week I had an ultrasound. I was 32W1D for the scan and baby was measuring 32W5D at an estimated 4 pounds 9 ounces. The tech told me that she was still in the normal range so I didn't think anything of it.

I had an appointment with my OB a few minutes later and he basically made me feel like I wasn't taking care of my baby and that she was way too big, suggesting that she should be 4 pounds 4 ounces...

My blood sugars have been in the range they're supposed to be without medication, even though my OB keeps pushing pills at me. I'm prescribed a 2.5 mg dose, but every single time I've taken them, my blood sugar crashes really bad. I get weak and dizzy and can't do anything but go to bed. And even after mentioning this, my ob still wants me on them. Almost acting like I'm lying about my reaction. So now I lie and tell him that I'm taking them when I'm not.

All that being said, I go through and read about babies measuring so much further ahead than mine without GD even being involved and I'm wondering how worried I should be? My ob makes me feel so incompetent and like I'm endangering my baby, and I'm starting to think that I shouldn't feel this way? I keep my sugars in check and haven't gained a single pound yet, and still get my butt chewed for my baby being too big? How is she too big when the Tech said she was normal?
I don't have experience with GD so I can't help there, but I'm surprised to hear how your ob treats you. Is it possible for you to get a second opinion? It's worrisome that you feel a sugar crash with your meds but your ob doesn't seem to listen.
I'm sorry ur dr is being such a jerk. 😡 personally it sounds like ur doing a fab job!! I'm 34 wks, no gd, and baby is measuring around 5.5 lbs, which my mw says is spot in, so at 32 wks, I think a little more than 4 IBS sounds good! Keep in mind too that u/s can be off by more than a lb either way. A good tech should be able to get close though. It's a shame that u have to lie to ur dr. Any chance u could still switch? I know ur pretty far along, but having an OB ur comfortable with is so important.
Thanks ladies, I'm in a rural area and am already having to drive an hour from home as there isn't any decent care closer to home. So switching facilities isn't really an option as I fear going any further than an hour when I go into labor could be disastrous... Luckily I'm at the point now where I rotate through the different OB doctors each time I visit, so this isn't the one I'm dealing with all the time (anymore that is). Although he is who I was seeing every time through the first two trimesters. It wasn't until I started meeting the other doctors that I realised what a Rip my "highly recommended" one was. It just sucks to be trying to do the best I can, and have someone act that way towards me, I'd like to think that doctors would give constructive feedback. This is my first baby, so admittedly I have no idea what I'm doing, but isn't that how it usually goes?
In that case I think you should ask your surgery not to see that particular doctor anymore. Anyone but hkm. They should be able to accommodate that and you can then be honest to your doctors about what you are or are not taking (this is really important imo)

It sounds like this doctor had some kind of bone to pick. If the weight is in the normal range then it is normal. Full stop. Sounds like you are doing a great job :thumbup:
Um... I think your baby is just fine!
All these estimated weights are just that estimated!
But the regular follow ups are what is important to make sure there is growth, and at the right pace.

I would try to get a different OB for now.
Hi hun, this is my first baby and i do not have GD. At my 34 week scan I was told my baby weighed aprox 5 pound 4 ounces which was in the 30th percentile meaning within average measurements on the very slightly smaller scale.
Bubs puts on around half a pound per week, and the weights are only an estimation anyway. It sounds like you are right on track!
What a piece of sh!t your OB seems to be!
If you can't change OB now, then just keep lying to him. You only have to stick it out til bubs is born anyway really, then see someone else. Clearly if you can change now then do so as stress is no good for you- no one should have to listen to that bullsh!t.
Urgh. Too bad when they get their degrees they dont have to pass a personality test as well....
ehh baby bein few days larger than gest age souldnt be a prob hun. I tend have small bubs at term ie 39+5 6ib 12oz birth, 39+6 6ib 7oz birth (she measured 2wks behind on scan, dunno about son as i onlt had 12wk an 20wk scan with him) at 36 wk scan i was 35+6 bubs measured 35+5. Ob sounds like an ass mind one mine told me go pee for scan and i went came back an he did scan an told me id not peed grrr. Id worry more if bubs was 2+wks ahead hun. Take care
Don't pay attention a lot of it is at best A guess or a computer estimate even on a scan they reliably told me harry would be 8lb at birth he was 11 lb 5 oz my friend was told baby is huge 10 lb she arrived yesterday 5 lb 5 oz
Really it's at best a guess don't panic anyway at 31 weeks my little lady was 4lb 8oz today at 34 weeks she's about 5lb 6oz im not worried.
Just hoping she will turn as she's footling breech at the moment
Honestly hun chill Its fine :)
I do have GD and baby was estimated at 5 lb 10 at 34 weeks, which is when I was diagnosed with GD. However on seeing the diabetic consultant he wasn't too concerned over the size of the baby, the diabetic team I have been seeing haven't been too worried when I do get high blood sugar although I am mostly able to control jt. I wouldn't let them upset or worry you too much hun x
I dont think you should worry at all. Baby seems right track to me. its only 5 oz off the "norm" for that gestation. I don't have GD and all my babies have been big (I am small, petite, 5'3", usually hover around 135lbs pre pregnancy) babies have been 8lb and 9lb born early term (37&38 w). Docs just say i grow them big and early. Gonna check size of DD next week, but I bet you she will be over 6lbs already! ( she was 3lbs at 22weeks!! but the scans could be off some)
What?!?! What a dickhead doctor. Your baby is a mere few daya ahead and he's talking to you as though you were harming your baby?

That is a NORMAL variance for any baby...not many are spot on perfectly in the middle of the charts and it would be an impossible ideal for anyone to obtain. You can't "make" your baby be any particular size.

Also I had GD and Sophie was measuring 2 weeks ahead. No one gave me a hard time over it. She was a measly 47cm long at birth and was 3.6kg (7lbs 15oz), not the giant baby we thought she would be.
omg hun what a knob! I think you should ask not to see him again since you see other obs too!

There is nothing abnormal about your baby measuring a couple ounces ahead! Infact thats within the normal parameters AND in the scope of mistake from the ultrasound! I cant believe hes telling you that you are harming your baby!

I have GD and just had my growth scan today. At 33+5 baby is measuring 5lb 5oz.. which in reality isnt even that big really. baby will be roughly just under/over 8lb at birth which is average this day in age. Infact this baby is looking to be around the same size as my second baby whom i didnt have GD for!

:hugs: :hugs: xx
Thank you all so much for the kind words, I'd really been beating myself up over this. This is also the doctor that told me I would have to have a caesarean due to GD and my size at about 18-20 weeks. So I was freaking out for the longest time about that too. I'm thinking that because of my size he must think I sit around chowing on twinkies all day (I'm a US size 16). That's the only thing I can figure as he seems to act like I brought the GD on all by myself. I'm not scheduled to see him at my next visit and I'll make a point when scheduling my next to mention that I absolutely do not want to see him. Again thanks to every one of you, you've really taken a big worry off of my shoulders.

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