Thanks for all your encouraging words ladies, much appreciated. Zimmy, that sounds hopeful, thanks for sharing that.
Sigh, I would be in a happier mood but unfortunately went to HSG appointment, sat there for ages, got more and more nervous or exicted (can't decide which), have really been building up to this moment over the last week and Nurse comes out to tell me that they have to cancel my appointment because the machine has broken and that they can only schedule "these types of appointments on a Tuesday" Seriously? 'These types of appointments'???? wtf? am I in a special category or something????? I'm embarressed to say I flipped emotionally and cried like a baby

but at least all my pent up frustrations are out in the open now.
I'm disappointed (and wonder how many disappointments does it actually take until you break???) so I'm out for this month for sure as they've told us not to try this month because of next HSG appointment and timing etc. Nurse said that I was 'not to worry' and that 'one month wouldn't make much of a difference' ..... I'm speechless. Oh well, let the waiting commence again .....