hypnobirthing, hmm, maybe not


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
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I thought I would give it a try... listening to one of those free downloads. I'm not sure it's going to work for me!
It's really weird how things that are supposed to be calming/relaxing affect me. Whenever I try to meditate or do progressive relaxation, I end up getting more anxious! It's like I become more aware of discomfort in my body and any negative thoughts in my mind.
Well, I thought I'd try listening to this recording anyway, as I would really love it if it proved to aid me with pain relief during labor. But when I listen to it, I do get kind of tense, and it seems like the baby does too! He just starts poking me non-stop, and I have to keep shifting around to get comfortable. And when I hear the guy on the recording saying "you're completely relaxed...", "deeper and deeper...", etc. I just want to burst out laughing! A couple of times, I've fallen asleep, but other times I can't relax until the recording stops!
Anyway, this isn't really a question, just thought I'd share the silliness. I'll probably still try to listen to it a few more times - just in case something is getting through to my subconscious and it does end up helping during labor. :shrug:
Have you tried Maggie Howell's natal hypnotherapy cds? They aren't free but well worth it imo. I bought each cd separately - I didn't want to buy the whole set and find it didn't work for me. I started off with the pregnancy relaxation cd which cost £10 and it really does relax me, I usually fall Asleep! I was a bit used to the hypnosis talking though as I've been going to pregnancy yoga and we do relaxation at the end. I think you have to really believe in it and want it to work for it to have any effect x
I thought I would give it a try... listening to one of those free downloads. I'm not sure it's going to work for me!
It's really weird how things that are supposed to be calming/relaxing affect me. Whenever I try to meditate or do progressive relaxation, I end up getting more anxious! It's like I become more aware of discomfort in my body and any negative thoughts in my mind.
Well, I thought I'd try listening to this recording anyway, as I would really love it if it proved to aid me with pain relief during labor. But when I listen to it, I do get kind of tense, and it seems like the baby does too! He just starts poking me non-stop, and I have to keep shifting around to get comfortable. And when I hear the guy on the recording saying "you're completely relaxed...", "deeper and deeper...", etc. I just want to burst out laughing! A couple of times, I've fallen asleep, but other times I can't relax until the recording stops!
Anyway, this isn't really a question, just thought I'd share the silliness. I'll probably still try to listen to it a few more times - just in case something is getting through to my subconscious and it does end up helping during labor. :shrug:

I used The Mongan Method. I attended a Hypnobirthing course, read the book, notes and listened to my CD...A LOT. I only got to use the hypnobirthing up to a certain point in my labour as I developed pre-eclampsia (whole other thread) but I have to say, it worked for me. I plan on using it again for this birth. Give it a go. You may extremely surprised how much it will come into use during birth - its a worth a try :thumbup:
I'm trying hypnobirthing got the boxset of 4 cds for £10 from ebay
I was very sceptical but think its def working it took a good few listens but I def think I'm quite relaxed about the idea of the birth but only time will tell I guess
I would say give it a go can't harm
I just got the morgan method and started this weekend. I am confused when you use the rainbow CD and the other CD. The one in the back of book seems to be for pre-labor, but that one put me to sleep.

How do you plan on using them, we don't have classes in our area and I have never responded well to even a 1/4 painkiller pill, it makes me loopy, so I definitely want to give this a go.

I just started at 33 weeks, I hope it is not too late.
I feel you those never seem to work for me! I just get ansy
I got a late start with the hypnobirthing - only started listening to the recording a few weeks ago. Didn't want to drop a lot of money on something I wouldn't have much time with either, so... I guess I'll get what I paid for?! Ha!
I looked into it during first trimester, but yeah, it felt cheesy. I can't connect to some of the songs or the talking. I just looked up some meditative songs/tunes on YouTube and downloaded the ones I enjoyed. I like a lot of Indian music.
My friend listened to my hypnobabies cds and she couldn't relax either, she was laughing hysterically! I think it works for some people (works for me!) but not for everyone!
I think it depends a lot on your attitude to the whole thing in the first place.

I'm doing a course, starting tomorrow, and I'm really excited about it. I have a couple of friends who think I'm nuts, and who have said to me that in their opinion I'm the kind of person it won't work for, but I'm ignoring them, cuz as far as I'm concerned, believing it can work for you is half the battle.

I have 5-6 friends who I know of who did the course in the same place I'm doing it, and they all found it helped immensely. One has used it in all three of her births, and the others only started with their second. Those who had their first birth without and their second with, told me that the difference between the two was like night and day. Now obviously, part of it is due to it not being their first, but at the same time, it's not just that.

In any case, as I said, it's definitely not for everyone. It's worth giving it another shot though, I'd say.

Hope it works out for you!
I agree with Yoshi, it's a lot to do with if you want to get into it. I enjoy it and feel much better for doing the Marie Mongan Hypnobirthing 6 week course. I won't know if it works for me until I've had baby but so far I've embraced it. Yes the music is a little 'hippyish' I suppose and the affirmations / relaxation could be seen as a bit cheesy but actually I've never felt like that while listening, I just find it all very relaxing. To me if there is even a small chance it will help me in birthing I'm taking it seriously!
I used the Mongon Method. I would listen to the CDs in the bath but didn't use them in labour. I didn't use the affirmations in labour either. What I really found helpful was reading the book and studying the breathing techniques.. that was a lifesaver.
I used the Mongon Method. I would listen to the CDs in the bath but didn't use them in labour. I didn't use the affirmations in labour either. What I really found helpful was reading the book and studying the breathing techniques.. that was a lifesaver.

hmm... maybe I'll piddle around online and try to take a look at the breathing techniques.
The breathing is fundamental so give it a go. Have you bought the book? It's worth it. At the end of the day reading a book and practising breathing, affirmations and relaxation isn't a tough thing to do if it helps. I have the affirmations as an alarm in the morning and I listen to the relaxation on the train coming home from work. The breathing I do daily whenever I think about it. X
I am so sold on hypno birthing.
I believe in knowledge overpowering fear. If you know what's happening and why it's happening it can help you deal with the pain so much more effectively. I particularly responded well to the book by Maggie Howells talking about Sphincter muscles, and lactic acid not being released (which reduces pain) if you are nervous and tense.

I have the cd and although it relaxes me I find my own music and positive thoughts relax me more. I'm taking in notes of very happy times if had to focus on during tough contractions rather than using the cd.
All in all I think you can take bits from the book and CDs and personalise your own experience. I would recommend the book completely. After reading a chapter I am completely positive and rational again! Good luck! Xxx
i love my hypnobirthing, but during labour last tie it went out the windy untill 8cm and panic set in, it was amazing I was very calm. Hoping this time to really use it to try and avoid pain relief. Before trying it i thought it was a bit of a joke, but for me it worked, i think thats because i believed it would

right i'm off to write down my key phrases for labour, hubby might not be there so MW has agree'd to help. I need help with remembering how far the golden light goes and that i should relax......

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