I've had a d&c, but I didn't become anaemic from it (cramps lasted maybe 3 days, bleeding for about a week, maybe a bit more, but no anaemia). I did become anaemic after I had my daughter though.
Are they continuing to monitor your iron levels? Do you know what they are after the transfusion? Are you on any iron supplements? When I had my daughter, my iron went down to a 6. I felt horrible and could barely walk a few feet without passing out. I started on high potency iron tablets (200mg) 3x a day plus spatone and 500mg vitamin c (both also 3x a day when I took the iron). They did offer me an iron infusion, but I declined as I preferred to try everything else first. I would say I started to feel better within about 3 days from when I started the iron and felt relatively normal again about a week later. If they aren't monitoring your iron though, it's possible it's still low despite the transfusion and you may need oral supplementation for awhile.
After my d&c though, I would say I continued to feel nauseous from the pregnancy hormones for a little bit though, maybe a week. I felt well enough to go back to work on day 6, but was still bleeding at that point. It's a lot for your body to go through, never mind the emotional toll which also wears on you physically, and I wouldn't expect to feel normal again right away. I would say give it a week, but then I would bring it up that you continue to have obvious signs of iron deficiency that supplementation isn't improving.
Sorry for your loss.