Hi, I am new to the forum and seeking opinions/help! We have been ttc for 6 months and the past couple of months I have been having a few issues. I am not currently temping but plan on starting next month. I use clear blue easy digital opks and last month *never* got a positive. This month I have gotten a positive every single day for almost a week now on both digital opks and dollar tree opks! I took a hpt just to make sure I wasnt pregnant. I have only had ewcm two days. Both this month and last I have been extremely emotional. I have also been experiencing menstrual like cramps and horrible acne. I am really concerned to why I would get almost a whole week's worth of positive opks. Does this signal a problem? Should I consider going to the doctor, and would an OBGYN be able to help me? I dont want to jump too quick and go to the doctor, because I know that most couples try for a year before going. I would greatly appreciate any opinions or advice!